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Can you guys pls help AND NOT GET MAD

Started by RABBITPOLICE, October 15, 2009, 07:43:11 PM

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I don't think you need a different program. I know that there is a way to properly do this in blender (Even though I haven't found it yet).
C l a v i n 1 2


None for free.  And the only reason it's not working for you is because you're not trying.  You need to use an existing texture.  Blender will not allow you to create one, so use Paint or something like that.
I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.

BNG Da BZ Fool

You should try Truespace to model with as obviously Blender itself has you confused. In TS texturing is as simple as dragging and dropping textures on to a model using a much simpler material editor. It also has a simple UV map editor that works adequately enough for beginner modeler's like you. What have you got to lose? Try it. 

The place to get it is http://caligari.com/ Do yourself a favor and get it's while it's still available. There is also a PDF manual available and quite a few downloadable tutorials on how to use it. When I say get it now I mean that as Microsoft owns it now and there are rumors that Truespace may disappear altogether should MS decide to discontinue it. The regular users of TS are already setting up secondary web sites to continue the forums related to using it should MS shutdown the Caligari site. 
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


It's hard to believe that you can't find a decent tutorial on UV mapping in Blender. There are lots of tutorials out there for Blender.

I modeled and textured this tank and the tall walker in Blender. I used 3ds Max3 to export them to game though.


How goes the mod Dianoga? Many of us can't wait to start... using you... but you're still quite busy. :-P

Click on the image...


Heh to tell you the truth I haven't done much with the mod for a while now. It's still "in production" so to speak meaning I work on it here and there hehe. I was just getting a bit of an itch though and might start working on it again soon. Who knows when it will ever get done. :-D I hadn't stopped by the forums in quite some time so I thought I would come and see how things are going. I got the new PB5.1 update but am noticing some things with it, but I'll save that for another thread hehe, don't want to hijack this one.