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why r u deleting post???

Started by FRYIN_PAN, February 29, 2004, 05:13:00 PM

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Quote from: FRYIN_PANTHIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE PICKING ON ME just asked a question was the link removed because of gsh whinning?

BZ2CP Development

Joined: 24 Jul 2003
Posts: 188
Location: England

I believe the link was removed because GSH was pretty upset about flying being back in, even in the form of a 'server options' mod.
Don't expect it to stay possible in the final version of 1.3 that comes out.

is this true?????

you've posted that question 3 times already repeated posting is likely to be viewed as spamming .

continued posting of the same question could prove counter productive , please be patient and wait for an answer , if one is not forthcoming then it's probably because you've pissed off the person you are asking .


Quote from: deadscionGSH still has not answered the question. Of course he can't stop ODF's from being added.

The question is will GSH code something to prevent the possiblilty of flight regardless of ODF changes?

Seeing as Ken Miller does the physics code *not* GSH, I think it's safe to say GSH will not do any such thing.


limits on the ODF settings in the hovercraft class can be easliy set with a
simple if statement.

The english version here most programmers fully understand

acceljump is a variable

accelstrafe is a variable

accel thrust is a variable

lets call myimposedlimit a variable also

The english version

If acceljump variable setting is greater than myimposedlimit variable setting then acceljump variable equals myimposedlimit.

Program version
If (acceljump > myimposedlimit)
acceljump = myimposedlimit

Now no matter what you set acceljump for, if the imposed limit is 20 then acceljump will never be any greater than 20 if you try to make it higher.

So I will ask GSH again will you allow the new ODF's or will you be placing limits on the ODF settings so users can't change them?

This can also be hacked eventually,I might add.


I haven't tried the Recy variant, but I'm sure someone could tell us...

In a Scout...

Can you mash buttons to hover forever, nose down, and then swoop up into the sky to escape other players without showing one hint of actual dogfighting skill?

Or, can you catch air for a long time, have to use skill to balance and maneuver, and eventually have to come down to 'launch' again?

The bug allowed the first.  Carefully designed ODF's will allow the second, as part of a willfull design of ship handling characteristics.

(that sounded good, didn't it?)




I want to know why only "BETA Team" (not to be confused with 1.3 beta) members are the loud mouths causing all the trouble. I guess since Major Tom is out of action here, he has to send his croonies. FP, DS Do yourselves a favor and stop listening to that pompas a**.


this is truly a sad day in bz2 history. the fact of the matter is this:

every mod has bugs
every patch has bugs
we were all warned that "some of you will like it (1.3) some of you wont."
we are all entitled to our own opinion
gsh is only human and we all make mistakes\ decisions that are percieved as screw ups.

it is foolish to squabble over BS like this. the best thing about bz2 is its fully tweakable. if you dont like 1.3 dont play it. if you do like but dislike certain aspects then you can just screw around with the odfs. these kind of arguments can split the community.............

god forbid that day.


Zero Angel

QuoteHowever, as the pro-flying-jerks have tried their best to annoy me, they will get an appropriate response.

You forget that PB1 has already been released and can become mainstream unless you can break infinite hover w/o breaking the physics and Fun Factor of the game.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


I think this is my second post here, but I have been reading these boards for quite some time.

Some of the most unusual discoveries and inventions have been by accident.  So hovering was accidental, a bug if you will, but its the bug
that makes the game.  Its where the adrenaline rush comes in.  It is
the thrill of the game.

I see posts here that refer to noobies/rookies and how they dont like
hovering.  Well I find that interesting, because I actually do play this game
everyday, and I am constantly asked by new players how to do that.
And 9 times out of 10, once shown, they love it.  They want to know how to run fast, and are elated after learning how.

I read one post about the scout, comparing it to an automobile.  Thats
as absurd as comparing apples to oranges.  An automobile exists in the real world.  Whereas a scout does not.  I rarely see Scion craft on the highway either.   Nor can I recall ever having to dodge plasma or blast in
my Camaro.  The occasional trooper yes, but he is in an automobile also, not a Mauler.

I have seen "well a hover craft could not possibly do that".  My question is
how do you know.  How about bringing yours over to my place and show me its limitations please.  These craft are obviously from a technological era far
more advanced than our own.  Yet you propose to know how they should or
should not operate.  

I see nicks here posting all sorts of things about this game, yet, most of
those nicks I have never seen or played with in game.  And I have to wonder people that rarely or never see play the game, are so concerned about it.  One has to wonder, if you simply want hover removed just to spite everyone that beat you using it cause you could not master the art?

This just reeks of "well this don't suit me so I am gonna do something about it regardless of what everyone that actually plays the game and enjoys it, thinks about it."

We play no hover games every nite, and we also play hover games, with
no problems.  Its a rather simple thing to agree on whether or not a game
will utilize hover.  Only the self-centered and self-serving would take it upon themselves to take that option away.

It would be nice to have some of the enhancements that 1.3 could offer,
but if it has the effect of crippling the game in this manner, its not worth the time it takes to download it.

Now, you can delete this post, ban me from this site, whatever you wish to
do.  Because if you are above a modicrum of constructive critisism, it is
to my benefit not to visit this board anymore.  Besides if it is deleted, I will post it on every other bz board that I can find.  It simply blows the mind that you would delete a post by appel, one of the most respected actual
players in the community.

I also invite any of you that wish to play to join our games.  It would be interesting to see what skills the bz2 experts here actually have.  And I am not refering to TV, or ZA, or the couple of others here that actually play the game.  Win, Lose, or Draw, it will be a Good Game.

{LoC}10*Gauge  aka ~Thunderbolt~ or  ~T-Bolt~


well said

couldnt agree more...

oh and let me add...

lets say a person learnt something.. a profesor... then comes a student or some1 that never learnd and because he is not as skilled ppl in the goverment will decide to take that away... every1 back to being stupied

how does that connects to hovering
we learnt it, we mastered it - we deserve the opnion about it

in the goverment, u dont see some homeless ppl voting about importent stuff cause they dont know hoot about it...
the one that should decide are those with the inteligence, those that it concers to and know everything from every angle (or at least most of them)
not just some punks on the street or in our situation a very very unactive player that doesnt even know how to hover (not saying all of you doesnt know how to hover but i think u get my point)


Quotesome homeless ppl voting about importent stuff cause they dont know hoot about it...

Remind me why the hell I put up with this community? I've been attacked for years over this damn game. Why the hell should I do anything more for it when every release will just get another set of attacks?

I mean, look at it from my point: what's the downside to giving the community back what it gave me: nothing but the finger?

-- GSH


u were attacked unfairly althouh puttin alot of effort in it...

but as i was told
u picked random ppl for testin? what do you expect - that the rest of the community will just fall down and love it?

1.3 is good.. no doubt... but it still needs some changing to the style that the hardcore players need... and basicly every1 who plays... i dont think i saw 60% of the players from the beta testing team... or 80% from this forums plays...

im sorry to say but you should've thought about it and organize it better
and if u just look around ull see we made some mods while u were working on 1.3 that we made to fill our needs
its great that programs skilled like you and ken were working on it....

but you should consider what the ppl want.. and not what you want.. cause its for us - not for you... make us love it not hate it

im not trying to get you pissed... u saying we should look at it from your point of view.. maybe some of us havn't.. and some "forget" but also u should look at it from our side

Zero Angel

You tend to come off with 'i dont give a hoot what you think' attitude, and if ppl dont like that, I dont blame them. Especially when you make comments like that one I quoted before, it almost sounds as if you're trying to change parts of the game just to spite people.

The community didnt give you the finger, a select few people did, like the 'MT's BETA Team'. If you look past the flames and whines of those people, you can see that people are actually debating 1.3 very well; look at all of the progress that has been made so far, this is thanks to you! When people are still playing this in 5 years, it will be thanks to you and Ken as well.

There are balance and bug issues to be fixed and things to be addressed, people are worred about that, but think about the things you did right.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


If you were a programmer ad Id, released a new patch where the Quake *character* gained 200 pounds, gave it a maximum jump of 1/2 a meter, let him take hitpoints after jumping down 1 meter, and disable the rocket launcher jumping. You think that will please the Quake player community? Safe to say, I don't think so.

That's exactly, bottomline, what's going on here.
You acknowledge this is a community, you're part of this community, and that's why you're taking a lot of heat from it. I probably came on these forums with a lot of noise, but I've tried to look at these things from your perspective too so I'm not too enthuiastic anymore to annoy anyone about this.

We got the patch, played it, and the scouts were just totally different than in 1.2. At least they could have been *exactly* like the 1.2 ones, without the constant hover bug. I'm sure many wouldn't have bothered to comment on that. Compromises, everyone can accept them, that's how communities work.

Just trying to put things in perspective. I know you've done many great things in this patch, don't get me wrong. However, I'm sure if you weren't so determined to ignore our requests or comments regarding the H-bug then none of this would be an issue to day.
You don't want hover back in, I can accept that, but at least instead of hover we would have gotten the same ships as in 1.2...without being able to stay up there endlessy.

Some people say the most pleasent thing in life is to make other people happy, you will be rewarded tenfolds.


Quotebut you should consider what the ppl want.. and not what you want.. cause its for us - not for you... make us love it not hate it

Hah, the ironic thing is that its *his* game. He can do whatever he wants with it.

You oviously don't understand all the effort GSH put into this.


The current ODF hover bug is easily fixed. I believe what Ken did is coded a constant that lowered the thursters at certain altitudes. Oviously, this constant was enough for the 1.2 scouts but it did not account for the high-velocities of the new 1.3 scouts. If this value were to be variable, according to the speed of the ship, the thruster-downer thing would work for all versions of the scout. That in effect would take away hovering from the game for good.

I can also prove it. In the normal 1.3 scouts, you can make yourself go down slower by "trying" to hover. You won't go up but you won't drop like a rock. The value was created with the normal 1.3 scouts in mind.

GSH could take a quick glance at the physics code (at what Ken changed) and see what to do. Couldn't take more than an hour to find the physics-fix.

GSH has options I bet. If he wanted to take away hover, I'll respect that since I believe the game is better off without the hover, anyways.


Hah, the ironic thing is that its *his* game. He can do whatever he wants with it.

not realy, without us, the whole community, this game is dead - what kind of game will this be?
the game by rights maybe his, but its MADE FOR US

i do respect your opnion on hovering because i know you can hover well
and i know your respeceted hardcore player, i do not respect all those that "whine" on it because they cant do it and dont play the game and decide for us, the hardcore players - those that spend countless hours and hours a day to play, i do not belive they have enough intalgience about hover to talk about it