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why r u deleting post???

Started by FRYIN_PAN, February 29, 2004, 05:13:00 PM

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Quoteu picked random ppl for testin?
I don't know where you're getting this from. Seriously if it comes from me then you're retarded. We selected all the beta testers and discussed them before they got in.

Red Devil

I can't speak for you, Nathan, but if it were me, I wouldn't put up with the abuse you get from these so-called intelligent people and would just say, "Screw it. Goodbye.".  It's not worth it.  They're not worth it.  You are.
What box???


Well at least the boards active eh, it was kinda boring in here for a couple of years :s


I'm beginning to think that posts relating to the great hover debate should be treated as spam.  We all know all the arguments, and the decision has been irrevocably made.  There's just no point in carrying on about it anymore.  

It's done.  Over.  Finito.  No reasoned argument or tearful tirade will change it.

Focus on the good stuff now.  We've been given many wonderful gifts.


Attacking GSH about something you dislike such as the Hover Bug Being removed won't help on getting things changed. Every good program don't like leaving bugs reguardless if the customer likes it or not.  Even though the Hover Bug was reintroduced with the Experimental Recycler Variant People Still continued to attack GSH. Being Constructive & Helping out by working on a set of odf files that balance things out so the units would be more like the 1.2 units would of been the best option. Even if the Set of odf files your working on doesn't get accepted into the 1.3 patch doesn't mean that people won't want to use them. Attacking GSH & Flaming don't solve a darn thing. GSH is making the 1.3 patch in his own spare time which means he doesn't even have to finish the patch. If you don't like how the units handle fine then make a small mod that changes that. He's got better things to do then get kicked every day. Flaming & attacking GSH is only Destructive behavior & won't help get things changed.  Being Constructive by doing the balance changes yourself would be the best option even if it isn't accepted into the patch (I'm not saying it won't) but people can still download the files off a website & install them just like any other mod.

The Experimental Recycler Variant was meant help give people ideas that you can make your own Recycler Variant & create modified odfs to however you like. I Removed the file link to the Experiment because i knew others would continue to finish the tweaking the experimental Recycler without me since i don't really have the time to complete the small project. Notice that their is new version of the Experimental Recycler Variant now being worked on by others in the "Vet Recycler Option" Thread which was my entire point of posting the first version of the Experimental Recycler Variant.
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.



As of today (03-03-04) CSports.net has had 5782 unique players in the last 31 days playing Battlezone 2. Don't let the dozen or so who will never be happy with 1.3 (mostly because they weren't a part of it) think they speak for the majority. That few have attacked you, the beta team, this forums moderators and administrators, and so many that have given their time and skills to better this game for reasons only they, themselves understand. I can only speak for myself, but I thank you and everyone who has made this game something I can't wait to play after a long day at work. You owed us nothing but have kept giving your time and talents to the game. If that dozen or so can't see that, then they are truely blind.


im being told that my post is offensive? in what way? that i said we are more intelgent about hovering? maybe not all of us vets but some of us are if a better player then me, a more exprienced one in any other game
or even in real life - teacher or some other edjucated charcter i know they have more knowledge then me and i will accept it...

the beta team and the ppl of this forum support no hover as far as i see...
so just do what u do best.. tell us u dont care.. thats always seemed to work for you so far aint it?

ya - just keep saying it and we'll see where it all leads...


Um...he really DON'T care...he's not just saying it.

Where we are now is where it leads.  It's time to move on.

BZ FeebleEffort

"Remind me why the hell I put up with this community? I've been attacked for years over this damn game. Why the hell should I do anything more for it when every release will just get another set of attacks?

I mean, look at it from my point: what's the downside to giving the community back what it gave me: nothing but the finger? "

Nathan...You brought this upon yourself. You were told a infinate number of times this would be the result. yet you persisted in the "

""Though Shalt No Hover"! Mantra to the point it blinded reason.

The attacks will turn to praise and cooperation if you just stop trying to compell a mode of play that the vast majority of players do not like.

You can't legislate morality..and you can't code "what people like" You had, and still do have, Every opportunity to become BZ 2's patron saint. You efforts are appreciated, but yet you give us a poision pill that we must consume to eat at this new banquet of features.

It should seem clear to you that  we (the community) will handle some things that you may not care to deal with(such as creating a vehicle physics package that the vast majority will enjoy)...Then much of your efforts will be rewarded...and perhaps you will recieve more of the commendations that you rightfully feel should be afforded you.

But if you chose to try and force the poision of radically different physics upon us, then all  your work will be lost.


I still find the whole hover issue a bit odd , ok it's an element that many players enjoy , but BZ1 didn't have that bug and many of us loved that game , we didn't even know about the H bug for the first 6 months or more of BZ2 but it didn't stop us from loving the game back then  , we'd have been just as happy if it had never been discovered . If a BZ3 was made without the H bug would you refuse to play it because of that ?

In many ways 1.3 does make BZ2 into an all new game , but what's so wrong with that ? It can still be a great game no matter what changes have been made because it's almost unique ( with the exception of BZ1 ) and there's still nothing to rival it . BZ_FE you really should know that a bit of change doesn't hurt more than anyone here , look at how much time you invested in rounding up the lost sheep from 1.0/1.1 land .

Either way it's not worth getting all worked up over , it's not worth flaming people over , because at the end of the day you aren't having anything taken away from you , and if you find 1.3 unacceptable you still have 1.2 which you've all been quite happy playing for the last 3.5 years . You are simply being offered a choice , no-one is forcing anything on anybody here .

Red Devil

BZFE, who is trying to force whom here?  All I am hearing is the intoxicated ravings of few individuals trying desperately to prevent having their poisoned pill, to which they have become addicted, taken away from them.
What box???


What amazes me is that these vets think that they're the only players of the game. Most bz2 players are so-called "newbs." They don't want hover. Majority wins. Nathan could very well take away hover in 1.3 with a few changes to the current code. If he doesn't, we'll have a semi-hover scout that is a blend between 1.3 no-hover scouts and 1.2 hover scouts.

BZ FeebleEffort

"Majority wins"

Speedy....look again...Look at your gamespy list and look how many games are 1.3 and how many are 1.2.

When a LONG awaited and much anticiapated patch is released, you'd expect that 75% or more of the games posted would be running the "new patched version"..

Instead..I see the vast majority of games being played ARE 1.2 and the few 1.3 games I see are some of us trying to work around the physics issues and "just see if the damn things works"(in my case)

This is a very small world HERE at BZCP Speedy..you should know..you've been around to the clan sites..... 1.3  isn't  exactly a overnite HIT now is it?

It needs work..and everyone whos objective knows it. I'm more than happsy to see it through with others and play it and give feedback....It did me little or no godd when I was in the "closed beta"...But that won't stop me here nor should it stop others.

And in the end, I can live with compromises on scouts...its just a part of the game, but for many it is the most important part.


I think pharoh is right, not to contradict anyone elses opinion, mind you. :D

I sympathize with the gamers and the vets on their opinions of the game, but I also believe that "those in power" had a legitimate reason for doing what they did. :D

Some insight needs to be taken to safely conclude that everything said and did had a reason for showing up. :D In the end, we'd all be laughing at ourselves for letting some things get to us. :lol:

If all doesn't turn out that way, I only hope that this dispute will not cause the community to split. :(


QuoteHah, the ironic thing is that its *his* game. He can do whatever he wants with it.

That is the most stupid comment i seen in my life. This is our game, the game of whoever play it and bought it. Without us there wouldnt be any bz2 at all.

I dont think the devs work on this patch for themself and if they do that mistake then they can play it alone. I mean what would be the point of making a patch wich will splitt the community in 2? I understand that just a beta patch and been released to see what players think of it.

I think at this point it is time to find out what will rally all players togheter and make 1.3 the patch bz2 players play! Otherways 1.3 will only be the next FE. Everynight 3 1.2 games, 1 fe and 1 1.3 at same time.

I seen someone posting about 5k players in 1 week, thats some funny hootznick! Open your bz2 game right now look how many 1.2/1.3 strat/dm games are on atm. I bet you cant count more then 30 players playing. That is our comunity players meeting togheter everydays. Wich make around 300 players if i believe the 10% rule. ( maybe you forgot most bz2 players have 2 - 3 nicknames and create new ones every weeks/months )