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why r u deleting post???

Started by FRYIN_PAN, February 29, 2004, 05:13:00 PM

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Its sad how many people will post in this thread and how few will post in the thread regarding actually fixing scout speeds and other things that bug people.


look - ill be honost , i havnt had time to play 1.3... i havnt play games since hmmm a week ago.. i formatted and still recovering some stuff and hoot... anyways what i would like to see without even knowning how the game is - is hovering

i can live without it - but i wanna know why...
just waiting for an ok from the mods / admins to open a topic dedicated to hover without it being delted like the previous ones


I thought the no-hover sucked before I in the 1.3 team. Once I tried it, it was much better than I thought it was and I liked it.

If you haven't played it, then really, shut up, sorry.


i know more then enough to talk about things i know... if i didnt have a clue i would shut up - but i do know


I can't speak for Greenheart or Wiz, but I personally think such a thread wouldn't last a day without becoming a flamefest.  Major Tom apparently took it to email and PM which was waaaay overstepping good sense.

There's been ONE thing that both Ken and GSH have been adamant about since the beginning, and that's the removal of 'hovering'.  They've maintained all along that it's a bug.  That no ship should be able to stay in the air forever through the use of reverse thrust.  It's been coded out of the engine and isn't coming back.

It's tough to accept for some people but I don't think anything on Earth will change their minds.  The best thing to do is to work on getting the game to be as fun as possible for the broadest range of players without hovering.


Red Devil

You can still catch some air and slowly sink to the ground, but you're not going to stay up there indefinitely and slide around at will.
What box???

BZ FeebleEffort

Avatar:"The day Wardog left the beta "

Let's be clear..I did not walk away..although I do admit I was extremely frustrated and tired of the process.

I was Booted out. Thank you..I had much less aggrevations I had to deal with as a result.

Life goes on just fine.


OK, well, yeah.


You and Nathan got on each other's nerves bigtime I think.  I was trying to be circumspect about it...  

Still, NOW is the time to get in there and dig out the balance issues.  

We need you, man.  Gather up the "Real" :) players and pound on this puppy, then give a list of what's needed to address balance.



QuoteFile Link Remove: Closing Experiment Recycler Variant for now...

ok now they are deleting links that sounded like a good idea to satisfy vets that want to hover and those who dont, why is this happening why do things get scrubed so fast around here??????


BZ2CP Development

Joined: 24 Jul 2003
Posts: 188
Location: England

    I believe the link was removed because GSH was pretty upset about flying being back in, even in the form of a 'server options' mod.
Don't expect it to stay possible in the final version of 1.3 that comes out.

is this true?????


Answer the man. He has asked a fair and civilized question.


Answer the man GSH, are you going to be vindictive as DarkFox is suggesting or will you allow the New Recycler variant for hovering to function?


you wanna step back and chill a little DS , how would you feel if you'd spent 2 yrs of your spare time working on something only to be attacked and slagged off when it's released .

I think it's time to take a break from the Nathan bashing for a while  .


Shaddup Lizard. GSH is a big boy and can speak for himself. I am asking HIM this question not you.

And it is a fair question.


Is it a fair question ? seems to me you jump on his back every chance you get . Stop trying to get yerself a reputation for once and give the guy a break .