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why r u deleting post???

Started by FRYIN_PAN, February 29, 2004, 05:13:00 PM

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Get out of the way and let GSH answer the question. Your opinion is irrelevent. GSH can speak for himself.

You are not GSH.


It's not like he's watching these boards 24/7, either.  The man has to make a living and does have other interests besides reading hate mail...



Quote from: deadscionGet out of the way and let GSH answer the question. Your opinion is irrelevent. GSH can speak for himself.

You are not GSH.

and you are nobody , so why should he answer to your demands ...... touche I think .


GSH has been in and out of here several times in the last hour. Nobody needs to speak for him he can answer the question himself.

Come on GSH.


shut up Lizard calling me nobody only shows your ignorance.


How do you know GSH has even read this topic?

Deadscion, I will say this once and once only:


If GSH wants to reply, he will. If he doesn't, he won't. Your insistance that he does is probably one reason he hasn't responded.

Keep on insisting that GSH post, when you normally want him to post LESS, and I will either lock the topic or remove your right to post for 48 hours or so, depending on my mood when I do so.


Well, I believe we need an answer to that question, but however, I think GSH deserves a break from all this, I know I would be going mad. I've been testing 1.3 thourougly and it's not as bad as I originally thought. But still needs some ships tweaking, which me and Aegeis are currently working on.


The insistence some people have on being jerks pro-flying demands a response. Fine.

I can't prevent ODFs from being added later. I recognize that.

However, as the pro-flying-jerks have tried their best to annoy me, they will get an appropriate response.


You would have been a lot happier if you'd kept your big mouths shut and had your jollies (and temper tantrums) in private, where they belong. Deal with it. Elsewhere.

-- GSH

Red Devil

Good grief, DS, get a grip.  You're reminding me of that spoiled little kid we've all seen lying down in the store aisle throwing a tantrum when he/she doesn't immediately get what they want and whom we walk by shaking our heads, skin crawling.  Sheesh!
What box???


im not a pro hoverer or non prohoverer just was trying to figure out if darkfox had told the truth or if its a rumor . i understand u wanted to fix a mistake or an oversigth in the game but when others are just tryin to help satisfy the community's grips with alittle tweak of the ships why would u be so againts it u did ur job already didnt u???

BZ2CP Development

Joined: 24 Jul 2003
Posts: 188
Location: England

I believe the link was removed because GSH was pretty upset about flying being back in, even in the form of a 'server options' mod.
Don't expect it to stay possible in the final version of 1.3 that comes out.

is this true?????


GSH still has not answered the question. Of course he can't stop ODF's from being added.

The question is will GSH code something to prevent the possiblilty of flight regardless of ODF changes?


as GSH has already stated he can't do anything to stop people modifying ODF's , I guess that your answer , I'm sure they aren't gonna rewrite the whole physics engine to make it impossible it would be way too much work . If people want hovering back my guess is that it will come in the form of a mod .


Welcome to:

As the Stomach Turns

Today's episode:
"Hoverbug Histronics"

THRILL to read DS question GSH's commitment, manhood, and patriotism!  SEE Frying Pan ask "WHY ARE YOU PICKING ON ME"  HEAR GSH flatly state "Deal with it"

Will the hoverbug elope with an ODF file and father a race of bastard ships?

Find out today on

As the Stomach Turns!


THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE PICKING ON ME just asked a question was the link removed because of gsh whinning?

BZ2CP Development

Joined: 24 Jul 2003
Posts: 188
Location: England

I believe the link was removed because GSH was pretty upset about flying being back in, even in the form of a 'server options' mod.
Don't expect it to stay possible in the final version of 1.3 that comes out.

is this true?????


Quote from: AcneVulgarisWelcome to:

As the Stomach Turns

Today's episode:
"Hoverbug Histronics"

THRILL to read DS question GSH's commitment, manhood, and patriotism!  SEE Frying Pan ask "WHY ARE YOU PICKING ON ME"  HEAR GSH flatly state "Deal with it"

Will the hoverbug elope with an ODF file and father a race of bastard ships?

Find out today on

As the Stomach Turns!

LOL gripping stuff innit :D