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why r u deleting post???

Started by FRYIN_PAN, February 29, 2004, 05:13:00 PM

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Quote from: deadscionWz can say anthing he wants I done care.

Another display of DeadScion's Stupidity.  He says I'm closed minded, yet he turns around and doesn't listen to others.  That's the way to show them DS!
"Linux is user friendly...
...it's just very selective about who its friends are."


Whoa Sonic good one!!!  hahahaha


Quote from: AvatarI'm so tired I just thought of something that may have been missed...

Everyone complaining of ship slugishness DID go in and make sure their control sensitivity is set the same?  As before?  As 1.2?  Especially if they're running from a new install...

I have six installs of BZ2 and had to reset it each time.

'Cause if you're still set like this it's no wonder they seem sluggish...


I tried the thrust and strafe setting on 1000% and this made no difference.
I am on a mouse and keyboard and the keyboard is not analog, but I tried the settings any way in hopes it would work.
Analog settings are for analog joysticks by my last understanding unless something else is going on in BZ2.
Open mind stuff right Sonic?


if those settings would've make you faster thats also "cheat" or bug or w/e u wanna call it...
it doesnt change your speed and agilty.. maybe only the turning - mouse sensetivy - not speed

and im with deadscion and phaser all the way


DS ya noobie... why would you care what version you use.. ud have no skill in either. not only.. many locs Have it and on our ventrilo server bird is playing with bean.. prolly some other vet the next day and so on.. you sound like, a whiny bitch.

people still play 1.0 and 1.1

how do i know this?

few weeks ago i put xp back on and.. i started bz after reinstalling and the recycler mesh was gone :o OHnoes! im in 1.0 land.. wtf there was enuf games up to make me think it was 1.2....

i converted 5 people on the spot :D

any how.. point being theres gona be a few straglers that come burning up the rear, you can choose to be one of these people.


Blah blah fukken blah. Is anybody actually playing the game at all or are we all just hanging round here badmouthing each other? FFS it's a game get over it children.


Moderators, suggest closing this forum and moving any constructive discussion posts to the modding and maps page.

If GSH does decide to finish it he knows exactly what everybody thinks about it, generally at great length.

If he doesn't, well it's not really a BETA anymore is it. Please yourselves of course but this crap needs to end.


Why dont we just add a '1.3 complaint board' ;)


What FB you haven't read enough illiterate abusive posts for one week?


Quote from: SlaorWhat FB you haven't read enough illiterate abusive posts for one week?

:shock: You mean he can read?


1.0/1 is a whole difrent world.. i dont think they know 1.2 exsists... :s

just put the power users line in you bz 1.2 and u can see 1.0 games (or 1.1...)


Quote from: SlaorModerators, suggest closing this forum and moving any constructive discussion posts to the modding and maps page.

If GSH does decide to finish it he knows exactly what everybody thinks about it, generally at great length.

If he doesn't, well it's not really a BETA anymore is it. Please yourselves of course but this crap needs to end.

I came THIS close to doing so, but then thought.

There has to be a "Recycle Bin" here somewhere for the junk to flow to....

This thread can be it.  It'll attract crap like a lightning rod and keep it contained.


Der Vampyr Engel

Sorry, I really tried to keep pouring oil on the flames but I got to cut in here, May be I am a bit of dirt attracted to this thread BUT:

NOT KEN AND NATHAN'S GAME? :evil:  IT'S THE PUBLIC 'S GAME? :-o  what a load of F***ING BULLIhoot!!!!!!!! sorry boys and girls  but IT IS THEIR  GAME AND NOT YOUR DAMN GAME ,Did you go to college, learn all their was about game programming?  some of you can't even spell let alone do something like that,  DID  YOU SOMEHOW TELEKONETICALLY (PSYCHICALLY) INJECT ALL THE IDEA'S VEHICLE PHYSHIC'S AND STORY AND CONCEPT OF THE GAME IN GSH'S AND KEN'S HEADS ? NO  :evil:

Granted you have become part of a community, I'll give you that but you bought their idea, you didn't make the game for them, they put their game into the marketplace like every other developer and then you liked their idea's and you bought into them, es you bought into their idea's, like you buy other product, YOU DIDN'T MAKE THE DAMN GAME AND YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE IDEA ORIGINALLY, all this "the public demands this" BOLLOCKS , "you made the game for us, not you ," hoot

How would you like it if someone came along and spewed that type of crap over a game you made or say, if you make music, aa song you recorded? Why I know how some of the very same people spewing that crap would react, sorry BUT THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE YOU BOUGHT THE GAME BECAUSE YOU LIKED THE IDEA'S THE GAME HAD, JUST LIKE MILLONS OF OTHER PRODUCTS OUT THERE.

DO you own the car company because you bought the car? NO Do you own the soap company because you bought thier soap? NO  so why should it be any different when it comes to games or anything else in the entertainment industry? what a load of  false community  crap !!!!! And as for the public demands hovering or any such other rubbish, do you really see a string of people wanting to buy BZ2? NO

I think Ken and Nathan are to good for some of the likes of you , personally I would have moved on if getting half the insults they have got especially THAT TYPE OF INSULT THAT IT'S NOT YOUR GAME, IT'S OUR GAME, you would be lucky if you even got a  1.2 patch out, let alone a 1.3


Thats a weird way of thinking you got there man.
To use your own example if i bought a car, i own that car same for the soap. Now if the mass customer need or request something for the next car generation, it will most likely be include to increase its distribution. So peeps who bought/rent the same model last year will be looking for the new model cause it contain what they were missing.

Now for who is that game been made? Of course for pandemic to make money, no doubt about that. But else then pandemic who profit of the game? Why does the devs make a new patch? for me its clear to perfect the idea of the game and mostly for the people that play it. To think that someone is working on this patch for himself is kind of selfish dont you think?

If i have a reception and i prepare dinner, i want it at my taste of course, but whats the point if my guests dont like it?

Now you mixing diferent post togheter like if they come from the same poster in occurence me. I didnt insult anybody here, i didnt flame anyone either. I stated my opinion on some fact and thats all. But you telling me the game i bought isnt mine? So basicly you think the people that play that game dont have their say on the next patch. So they released a beta just to fool around and give the impression we can help but at the end nothing will change?

Is that what you mean cause if that is, i would like to know what nathan and ken think about it.


DVE almost all your posts does not make sense...

i totaly agree with phaser here...