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Bugs in 1.3 and some DLL requests

Started by AlbinoPenguin, March 01, 2004, 03:01:44 AM

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No, I won't bother mentioning very the slugish(almost frustrasting) feel to scouts. Whoops, to late.

1) AI Ass tank still has the targeting bug when you have a canon(such as blast) AND mortars installed in. I seem a full health blast/mdm ass tank with 3 trucks taken out by an sp tank sitting on still with almost level groud between them, Almost the same as the 1.2 bug, except now it doesn't even shoot :/

2) During a ST, windows got the blue screen of death(XP Pro, Athlon XP+2700, broadband cable, 512mb, GeForce2 64mb) with "MULTIPLE IRP REQUESTS COMPLETE" iirc. It has never happened on the computer b4, but happened within 30mins of 1.3 been installed.

3) If a turrent is told to attack a spire, it does so, however, if it is told to attack it's lung, it just flies up to it and stays undeployed. Very nice fello to want to talk and all, but not very useful. I really dn't neg a negotiator trying to talk peace with a spire...

Hmm, there were a few other things, but I have forgotten them at the moment.

I have a DLL function request too.

Is there someway you can add a "GetUserTarget(Team t);" we(MODders) can use player targetting info in mp campaign missions? I had some very interesting maps/dll's that used that info, but could only be made to work sp since resync's resulted from DLL's only knowing local target info. It would be much appreciated.

One last request. Is there anyway you can add an ODF command that stops a unit from been able to pick up weapon pods? (Say, for a ship that has the weapon crate auto-loaded disabled) It would enable very specialised crafts for campaigns were the ability to pick up a new weapon(say, blast) would pretty unbalance the unit.



Quote from: AlbinoPenguin1) AI Ass tank still has the targeting bug when you have a canon(such as blast) AND mortars installed in. I seem a full health blast/mdm ass tank with 3 trucks taken out by an sp tank sitting on still with almost level groud between them, Almost the same as the 1.2 bug, except now it doesn't even shoot :/
[/size]Well, I forsaw the fact that people will recognize this bug as not quite fixed, so I made a mini-variant that took care of that. However, I was too late in getting it integrated with 1.3-publicbeta, as I had to tweak it a little more to keep it from stepping over stock 1.3 odf's, as I was warned.  Being that it is a variant, it does have some limitations, but it does take care of the AI aiming Bulldog bug nicely (mortar slot is filled too), plus I decided to create one assault mortar (which will only work inside my variant of course), which fires rounds up to 500 meters.  

As for stock 1.3, the AI Bulldog will fire cannon against assault targets and fire mortar against combat targets. The latter means that if they have the mortar slot filled, then mortar will be shot against combat, but if they do not have the mortar slot filled, then they will shoot cannon at the raised altitude because they think they are lobbing mortars in the proverbial  gravimetric environment.

I can send the variant to anyone who wants to try it.  Granted, the variant is a beta in itself.

BTW, I did some little research and it "seems" that Pandi DID originally intend to use mortar against combat for AI Bulldogs.  I found that a little flawed though especially with level 2 skill in 1.2. IMO, this is most likely the reason the aiming bug came from in the first place due to imperfect implementation in 1.2.


AI ass tanks with blast lvl3 have deadly aim.  However their engage range is still like 175m or something like that.  In some ways that's a good thing, but in other ways it kida sucks.  Usually they will miss their first shoot by WAY off, but any shot after that will be as close to deadly accurate as possible.  As long as you stay out of its 175m engage range it will never attack you.  Perhaps that tank was further out than that?  And if it was then the only thing it o\would of shot would be the mdm's.


You dont need an odf command to prevent a weapons upgrade to be being picked up. Simply dont use the standard hps in the xsi (and your ODF obviously). Instead of hp_gun_1 use hp_peeshooter_1 (or whatever) and the weapon will work fine but no upgrade possible.


No, the tanks was only like 50 metres infront of it, hitting it with sp stab.

Thanks Fish


With or without 1.3, BZ2 has never caused a blue screen crash for me with XP (often used to happen with Win98 first edition).  I wonder if that is an operating system issue rather than a BZ2 one?


Heres a relevant question.

Why would you decrease the reverse speed of scouts?  That was a FUNDAMENTAL way to retreat while preventing an opponent, Oh say a BLAST TANK, from eating you alive as you run.

I have no problem with the adjustments made to the hovering of scouts.  I ABSOLUTELY PROTEST the many other reductions of scout ability.

This smells peculiarily like an intentional castrating of the scouts by players that usually lose scout dogfights.

The scouts must be sent back to 1.2 physics without the hovering capability.

It absolutely stinks as it is.  Again, I don't have any problem with the way hovering has been reduced.


I don't think the sluggishness of scouts was an intentional thing , just look through the changelog to see how many alterations were made to the hover physics , the sluggishness was probably just a byproduct of that process and can no doubt be pretty easily fixed .

Don't panic , please bear in mind that this is the FIRST beta release and there's bound to be tons of annoyances as there always is with these things , remember it is BETA and thus , self admitedly imperfect .


starting a game of 1.3, my screen turned 45 degrees to the right, had to turn my head to see it..
it only happened once...

dont know how, dont know why, but it happened.. had to remake server (rejoin  :P ) was fine after that

(was my 3rd game, so not 1st game)


As a response to the dll question above of getting a players target, do this instead, it already exists :)
That will get the target of the user in single player, to do this in multiplayer is a bit more difficult, I *think* this *might* work, try it.
GetCurrentWho(GetPlayerHandle(int Team))


Hooray, so you'll finally be able to finish my request, Noky *g*


U should look at little deeper OM =) I know the DLL's pretty much inside out having coding in there for around 2 1/2 years, that function is the base were I get my question from. It ONLY allows you to find the target of the local user. Hence, if the DLL has to make decisions based on the target of a no local user, it won't work, and will result in resyncs.

Also, iirc GetCurrentWho, is an AI function, which gets the target of its current command. EG, who it is following etc. Simply pressing the t key doesn't give your unit a command. Hence, even if this function were to work on a player ship, it would only work if someone told him to attack something. That isn't what was asked. Thank you for trying anyway.


Yea, I know the first one is singleplayer only, I had untested the getgurrentwho on humans so I was unknown as to whether that would work.


You dont need an odf command to prevent a weapons upgrade to be being picked up. Simply dont use the standard hps in the xsi (and your ODF obviously). Instead of hp_gun_1 use hp_peeshooter_1 (or whatever) and the weapon will work fine but no upgrade possible.

This is interesting Fish - is it therefore possible to have the armoury spit out a peeshooter crate??


Quote from: Slaor...is it therefore possible to have the armoury spit out a peeshooter crate??
The unit can't pick it up in 1.2. Not sure about 1.3.