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Unit physics are sluggish and clumsy

Started by deadscion, February 29, 2004, 06:16:24 PM

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I realize why the physics were changed the way they were. I agree basically with those reasons however my opinion is this:

Do what ever you think is best to eliminate hovering however, do not do this at the expense of the agility of the units.

I feel this will hurt the game far worse then eliminating an abused bug.

Please keep the rest of this topic limited to speaking about sluggish or clumsy units in your MP game and not the "bug".



Several builds have had 'stuttering', or have had physics changes that don't necessarily jump right out and hit you in the face.  Many of the changes have been very subtle, or have set things back to earlier states.  Some immediately jumped out as bad, and once or twice I really loved how things felt.

So, in other words, the overall physics of the units themselves has changed and can change again.  Within reason.

As I said in other posts, unit performance and such falls somewhat under the 'Balance' issue, and as such has been avoided UNTIL the public beta.  This is the time to pound the patch, note your likes/dislikes, and then report them here.

It would help to have numbers, btw..  Saying "more thrust" is one thing, saying "increase accelThrust from 25 to 28" is better...



They need a lot more agility. The scouts should be like the ones in 1.2. You got it all wrong I believe.


I dont think you could say we got it wrong when we did not try to "get" anything to start with. If you would have read what Avatar posted you might not come across as being so noobish.

Avatar said "unit performance and such falls somewhat under the 'Balance' issue, and as such has been avoided UNTIL the public beta."

So if you think the scout needs more speed please say so and dont run you mouth off at Ken, Nathan, or the beta team. Quit your useless ranting and actually contribute something for change.

I think that scouts could use a slight boost in speed and acceleration since flying and warping have been fixed.


I personally like the new physics, but I'm willing to help anyone that wants to make the scout faster.  I made a lot of the recyclers available in MPI with the help of GreenHeart, Red_Devil, and many other testers.  As stated in another thread, I'm willing to help create another recycler variant, for testing, that will allow the commander to build an experimental scout, in place of the default 1.3 scout.  This will help prevent bad assets since the existence of this recycler will be required for joining.  If a client doesn't have that recycler, they won't be able to join due to the missing assets.  If the experimental scout is accepted by the majority of the community, it will replace the default scout.

Does anyone like this idea?


it isn't just the scout that is stiff, the sabre tank and missle scout are as well

you may want to include a factory in the variant for the other vehicles while you are at it. Easily done through the constructor and rec.


Excellent.  Thank you all.  This is the sort of thing we need now, some testing and experimenting.  

Now, I have to do the 'old man' thing here...

I'd caution against making multiple changes at one time, and making extreme changes from stock.  Take it in little bites and one thing at a time as even tiny changes can make huge differences.

The original setup for the units was a noticeable difference in their speeds and handling, so please don't pump up the bigger tanks too much.  They're powerful units and should be kept in check a bit.

Don't forget the Scions.  Make sure in testing speeds and such that the Scions aren't left in the dust...

Also keep in mind the final goal:  a fun, exciting game that doesn't last so long even 1.3 dies from resyncs and lagg.  I don't know what the perfect game length is but I'd recommend including that "feebleeffort" guy in your playtesting as I greatly respect his viewpoints on balance.  :)
