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Bumping into hills

Started by appel, February 29, 2004, 08:18:08 PM

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Strange, I haven't even noticed it yet. Then again, I haven't played for a couple of hours maximum, and not a single good old team strat game yet (preferably quarry, where this effect would probably have been seen? ;)

The thing I'm currently horrified about future of BZ2 is that 1.3 is already dividing people. There are (too) many who don't really even consider updating from 1.2 to 1.3, I think they're too afraid of losing all their skills in current version. Well, it's understandable, if last patch was several years ago, it probably has bound most players to the good'n'old. What I hope would be that people understand that this really IS a patch, and every experienced computer game player should know that updating is Good in most cases. In my opinion, it definitely is in this case. Why do you guys even want to stick in the old, wouldn't it be much more fun to learn the new tricks and stuff in 1.3... doesn't it sound fun? No? Too bad :(


Well, I decided to go and test the terrain damage before posting this, and as far as I am concerned, it isn't really noticeable. Actually, at least in quarry, if you bump on those barriers surrounding the middle, it gives you TREMENDOUS boost to vertical speed for a cost of 1-2 percent damage in scout. Flying made easy if you ask me :)

And really, I don't see what the big whining about this feature is, as far as I've seen, it doesn't affect gameplay that much. Perhaps it's a pity, there are probably not many new tactics going to develope around this feature... expect maybe the 'jumping' in (at least) quarry ;)

Btw, got access violation earlier today when joining a game, is there some great place to send a report? Didn't see anything in readmes or so, well, ahem, gonna look for info later, now I gotta go. Fast really :)


If you get an AV, check your log files and copy and paste the Exception section into a new topic describing what happened.