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Ships going into buildings

Started by appel, March 01, 2004, 01:34:53 PM

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It still seems possible for ships to enter buildings that have doors, such as recycler, service bay, maybe factory im not sure, and others.

I doubt the game was originally designed for this? Seems like those doors are only made for pilots and not ships?



this problem has been there since 1.0 and could not be removed within a resonable amount of time.


how about making it like a wall with a real small entrance that realy - only pilots can go in?


that was talking about but feel outside the reasonable time frame.


I dont think its possible to have it so ships cant get in but pilots can, (maybe a really small entrance? but that would take time to make). The only soloution that wouldnt take 4 years would be seal up the doors and move the building's console display screen thing outside, still - why bother?


Red Devil

A subway turnstile would work.  Have to have a Commander token though. ;-)

Seriously though, I suggested putting a sliding door on it like they have in Star Wars.  With the ability to easily add new Recyclers, perhaps someone will make one?
What box???


"Sounds like realism to me."

heh your pretty funny man.. thats  amazing.. i bet the scouts wings were ment to have a "fold up to sqweeze thru door" button so that physics code wasnt so blantently unrealistic


For the Mod I was planning to do (but probably will never get finished) I was planning to have a lot of interior in the buildngs, but, to compensate with that, a little turret on a TAP-hardpoint on the inside to finish intruders off in a very pragmatic way  :D