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Titans lack range, but ISDF walkers are great!

Started by appel, March 01, 2004, 01:41:49 PM

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This is a big balance issue. You've made the isdf walkers have assault cannons and therefor they have an extended range (240-250m).

However, the scion Titan seems the same, with about 180m range on the ARC cannon. I would think the titan needs to be given more range to meet the tuned up ISDF walker, because scions don't really have a long range assault unit. Try giving titans 210 m range for arc (at least) so they can outrange a gun tower.


I haven't tried piloting an Archer yet, which apparently is possible.


It is possible, but I don't think it is worth it.  It is fun for a few minutes but its handling is too jerky to be very much fun.


Hm...piloting a archer, i tried that, but archer is still considered high priority target within the minds of players...if you see an archer...you kill it immedietly...and therefor the archer is rarely or never used...at least in 1.2.

ps. you can still put archer on top of buildings by using nav points.


I was waiting for someone to bring this up...  I think you're right on and the Titan should be at the least equivalent of the ISDF Asstank...


Anyone feel the Scions are a bit understaffed?  That they don't have the variety of units that the ISDF has, especially when it comes to the "Big Boys"?  (no Giant Walker, no Bomber)

How about we add a unit at the very top of the Scion food chain?

I nominate either the Scion Bomber from FE or the Gorgon from GAIPS...or both if the FE guys don't mind donating their Bomber....



what bomber are you referring to?
the Brawler?


Yup.  That's the guy.  Hate him.  :)  He should be given a place in the 'real' BZ2....  lol...

Seriously.   We should fill in the ranks a bit and make the Scions more fun to play.



only problem with uping the titans range is then regular tanks would have the same range.

With the new AI i would suggest the best anti walker is a swam of units.

I think the assault range of the blast is a little much seeing it will be used more often now, the bull dog was the only other unit that could use it before.

Dirty Rooster

But PLEASE not the Brawler from FE.
That unit is very un-scion, brought in with
its sonic rocket to give scions a long-range unit
but it could've been ISDF for all its normality and
lack of shield.

Archers and wasp-missiles are the scion long range weapons,
but the titan is only good as AI in defence.
In human hands and with plenty of healers it can do the
business in assault but has to keep moving forward or
gets picked off by ISDF mortars, GTs, hornets, etc.

To give Titan ARC a range of 220m would be my suggestion,
suck it and see. Maybe then they would get used.
At the moment the ONLY scion assault units worth building
are suicidal maulers ... expensive if they fail..

In FE the scions were hugely improved, the overlooked best weapon
being 350m Archer range.
1.3 Scions are hugely devalued once the enemy Rec has Mauler defence.


hmmm in 1.2 the blink was scions victory weapon... unbeatable once they get blink
i've noticed that in FE scions were NEVER used cause (or maybe not only because of that) blink ammo take was increased therefor making it worser

ive always thought that scions need some more ships and maybe some weapons...

isdf have 6 cannons + controlable mortar while scions only have 4 cannons and cant control mortar and their highest cannon range is 175
getting titan 210 range arc is possiable though? cause if you change the arc cannon it'll be 210 range on all ships wont it?



I like the brawler because it looks like a Grendal...  (no suprise that I like it, then, eh?)  Give it a shield, have it morph, whatever it takes to make it more Scion.   :)

I would agree with the BLINK argument IF the AI could use it.  Now that the AI actually kill humans it reduces the effectiveness of a single human in a blinking Tank.  BLINK to the back of the base to take down some PS's and ZAP, there's an Assault Walker taking you down in three shots...  ouch.

How about giving the Titan the gmbolt rather than a garc_c?  (Gunspire rather than Tank Arc?)  



Titans are supposed to have short range. Thats why you have archers. It also balances the all-powerful spire.

Ask DarkFox, a scion-expert, for an explanation.


i think u mean arc blast rather then arc cannon...
but then u wont be able to mod it


Speaking of the Wasp, does anyone think its size should be cut down?  Maybe 10% to 50% down?   That thing is damn huge and is a sucker for getting ripped just like the new 1.3 DaBomb (by Dutchy I think), because of its size.  I've always wondered how the Lancer shot the things... reminds me of someone blowing a balloon and letting it shoot off into the air.  :)

(Sorry, got OT)


Walkers can be attacked from the rear with ease, and destroyed. The titan has a 360 degree turret, which makes this impossible.

Titans backed up with service trucks are very powerful battlefield-superiority units, and fit this niche far better than a walker does. A walker is more useful for base defense, or assaulting an enemy base if you have the cash.

The titan can be adapted to attack bases with sonic cannons, which is quite useful, but fundamentally it's best for dominating a battlefield, not assaulting a base at long range.

When a commander gives me a titan and a few trucks I'm *far* happier than when I get given a walker. The raw damage at 180m range that a titan can put out against tanks and scouts surpasses pretty much anything else in the game. If anything, a titan should be compared to an assault tank, and it sacrifices range with *far* more instant-hit damage, not to mention comes with *much* more ammo, and *much* more health.

All-in-all, any scion vehicle that has weapon range greater than 200m needs to be looked at *very* carefully, scions already have incredible assault abilities with the mauler, and if an ISDF player spends time defending his base with chain turrets and rocket tanks to defend against maulers, he would easily be killed by a long-range titan. Furthermore, the ability to spire-walk would be *grossly* overpowered if they could then roll up in a titan and take out the ISDF tank that was desperately trying to use it's only option(mortars) to take out some of these spires, thereby making the ISDF base defenseless to their long-range arc cannons..

Don't give scions base-outranging weapons besides the highly-vulnerable archer. That way, the scion players have their quick-raid advantage with maulers and blink, and dominate the battlefield with titans and blink/arc/gauss warriors, whereas ISDF try to win the late game by trying to monopolise on their range advantage. Giving scions easy access to long-range ruins this racial balance, and makes scions far too powerful in the late game.

Bottom-line - the titan is fine as it is. Don't compare it to a walker, walkers get shot in the back and killed, or run out of ammo after a few shots.