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Assault tanks with blast + mdm

Started by appel, March 01, 2004, 03:14:15 PM

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They don't seem to attack a target, they shoot one mdm and then they just dont do anything more.


It could be its not detonating the mdm?  But then I thought you could volley like 5 of those things before it stopped shooting so you could let those first 5 explode.


Yeah, the detonation did not get applied or maybe they ran out of ammo.  Best thing to try is to give them a Hold command and that should reset the manual detonate switch. Then tell them to shoot again at whatever. Same thing can happen in 1.2.


Nah...full ammo, it tried to shoot another tank, missed with the mdm, and then the tank just stood right in front of the assault tank without shooting anything.


Ok.  Well, MDM is somewhat tricky with AI because they don't know what the hell to do with switching.  It's all random at best.  Same thing applies to Mag and I'm sure everyone has observed that.  I don't think anything's been done better with AI in that respect for 1.3, i.e. thinking on their own on how to use toggling ordnance.  I guess normal mortar would have to suffice if you want good AI handling.

Red Devil

MDM will stop shooting when 5 mortars are left unexploded. To help get around that:

- Dropped lifeSpan of mdmgun.odf (MDM Mortar shell) from 1e30 seconds
(billions of years) to 5 minutes. This should help stray MDM shells
get off the map eventually. [NM]

To get around that, just let one MDM hit you once in awhile.   :D

Perhaps the time limit could be reduced some?
What box???