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(Minor Bug)[for modders] Race specific explos don't work

Started by Bull Dog, May 19, 2004, 08:05:19 PM

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Bull Dog

I was playing around with this and found the iexplosion.odf and fexplosion.odf dont have any effect only explosion.odf changed anything.

Any ideas?  I could me be but I doubt it.


it is probablly because what file used in the explosion is set in the odf, thats how the xeries (hadean suside ship or whatever its called) can explode and do so much damage.  Maybe not though, ask someone whos good with this stuff

EDIT:in response to posts below
heh, this time i was actually trying to say something that made sense, oh well :D so what if i dont know anything about weapons/ships?  I made a mortar which produces 50 titans randomly dispersed, and with pretty colors too  :mrgreen:


Quote from: Spawnit is probablly because what file used in the explosion is set in the odf, thats how the xeries (hadean suside ship or whatever its called) can explode and do so much damage.  Maybe not though, ask someone whos good with this stuff

:lol: Spawn, this has got to be one of the dumbest things I've seen you say. IIRC, BD is one of the ppl that worked on BZCOW.


In a vehicle type odf, under [GameObjectClass], add the line explosionName = "the name of your explosion"

Tempest Storm

Yes, what you didn't take the time to realise Spawn and TOO, is that 1.3 supports race specific explosions through a single ODF. Now stop telling him things he knows. ;)

And BD, yes, I do belive its a bug, and its a bit annoying, but I haven't fooled with the race specific explosions much yet so I never really noticed it until you mentioned it. (I haven't touched them yet, becuase for the races I already have in BZRAP they will be using effects made from EPIC which I can not port into the game until EPIC comes out...so I didn't bother yet :))

Bull Dog

@Spawn:  Take a look for yourself.  The ISDF ships do NOT have a explosion specificed in them.  They should use explosions listed in iexplosion.odf but dont they use explosions listed in explosion.odf.  Same thing if true for scions and any other race that you care create.

@Total Oblivion Omnis:  Doh how do you think I had custom explosions on specific vehicles in the first place.

@Tempest Storm:  Thank You.  Well Said


I've never heard of that, nor know how to do that. I just wonder how using a race-specific explosion or using explosionName = "blablabla", for most/every vehicle of that race.

Edit: Before you see the insanely obvious, I'm guessing this is completely devoted to fixing a bug, not trying to get vehicles to explode specifically to their race. It seems pointless, and a waste of code to use race specific explosions, because it can always be done by using explosionName = "blablabla". Right, or are race specific explosions some specail thing that would wound battlezone 2 if it were not fixed/removed?

Tempest Storm

You can only do explosionName for certain units and such, race specific explosions count for alot more.

This is all the code thats in the ISDF race explosion ODF file.

classCraft = "xcarxpl"
classVehicle = "xvehxpl"
classTorpedo = "xpwrxpl"
classPowerup = "xpwrxpl"
classPerson = "xprsxpl"
classAnimal = "xprsxpl"
classStruct = "xbldxpl"
classBuilding = "xbldxpl"
classSign = "xsgnxpl"
classPlant = "xplnxpl"
classChunk = "xsecxpl"
classCrash = "xvchxpl"
classCollapse = "collapse"



BD- do you have a quick demo of this bug to track it down? A savegame w/ 1-2 target craft (and associated files) that demonstrates this would be helpful.

-- GSH

Bull Dog

GSH I would be happy to come up with some files.  Where do I send them?

Bull Dog

P.S.  Thank you for all your work on the 1.3 patch.  Same goes for Ken too.


If you can post them on a public website, and post the link here, that'd work. Else, my email is in my profile.

A zip that's self-contained (i.e. doesn't require mod XYZ 1.34.53f installed) and small is best.

-- GSH


On the issue of webhosting - I've got about 10 meg of webspace that's free for use. If anyone wants anything hosting temporarily on there, they're more than welcome to send it to me. PM me for my email. I wish I could offer more.