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Hovering Suggestion!

Started by Speedy, March 01, 2004, 07:36:07 PM

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We have just tested the expiremental scouts and they have the ability to hover with simple ODF changes. Beyond any specifics discussed in that thread and those brought up here (ovious balance issues), this is what I propose:

1.3 will have two more rec options added to the rec list. One will be Full Hover which allows scouts to hover the way they did in 1.2. Another will be a Half Hover which allows scouts to hover only a bit.

With these two options, hosts can choose the type of game they want. They have the normal, non-hover recs, and the hover recs.

This will satisfy ALL Battlezone II players as they can play the way they want to. Nobody can now say 1.2 is better!

Its a very easy mod, one that requires absolutly no work on the part of GSH and is a mod that can "save" 1.3. I suggest it be placed in the patch itself and I can guarantee that there will be modders up to the task. I will sure help!

So lets here it! Who supports it?! :-D


i support it, great idea may spare us some headaches :P


So basically it's hovering as a shell option? (albeit in the 'extra options' section) I definately support it, it's what people have wanted all along.

Is this finally something we can all agree on?

Red Devil

Like I said before, one of the best things about 1.3 is the flexibility which has been introduced.  We are no longer limited to just one path, but now many have opened up.
What box???


A superb idea! I'll try to get everyone into 1.3 as soon as this becomes reality.


I certainly want me and everyone else to have the choice, and this seems like one way in which that can be achieved.  I'm not sure I'm totally comfortable with unlimited hovering.  However, if we went back to "no hovering in enemy base area" and were free to to do whatever we liked anywhere else, that might be perfect.  A RecDef option did you say?  well maybe that too.   :-D    We'll have to think what we want to do about humans in Mortar Bikes.

Basically I see this as a step forward; it increases choice and allows a lot of people what they want.  

Tempest Storm

I'm for it, as far as I'm concerned, if the host decides that hovering should be allowed in the game then he/she can make it available if he/she wants to.


Don't try and spread false hopes -- what you propose can only be done if you can find a way to make a hovering ODF.

The no-infinite-flying fix was done in code, not an ODF change. As far as I can tell, ivscout.odf has not changed since the version in 1.0's data.pak.

-- GSH


It's already been done Nathan. We've been flying scouts around the net tonight.


Not trying to have an argument... but, this is not a proposal, it has already been done, I've seen it happen.  If you are satisfied with the way the physics presently are, I think people who want more manoeverable scouts will also be satisfied.  For better or worse, this permits hovering, albiet in a more complicated way.  I don't know what an ODF file is or what function the data.pak serves; but unzipping the file in the Experimental Recycler sticky thread allows the good stuff (agility) and the bad (persistant aggressive hovering).


Now the phsyics is fixed for those who don't want hover in their games (in the majority), and for those who do want it ("vets"), can have it via these simple ODF changes that have already been tested

Lets just say that everyone will be moving to 1.3, and all your work and time will be appreciated to its fullest extent!


So where do we find the
hover/no hover version.

I would be interesting to
try this version now.



heh i dont see how any change to a stock scout odf wont have repercussions such as.. WARP :D

but seeing how warp and hover is your style.. i dont see how "ALL" bz2 players will have a place just yet..


great, finaly!

now... we already have the hovering...
mind if i ask what was wrong with hovering in the 1st place?
although its a bug its another way of playing... and it was FUN
much more fun then staying on ground...
games are made for fun... so even if that specific bug wasnt intend to be it made the main intenstion to be better...
taking hovering takes some of the fun
u dont always have to fix all the bugs...
ppl were complaning that hovering just slaughter their base and they cant defend... - fix the AI = more fun and challenge + u dont have to take away the fun in hovering...
look at ZST, TONS of players played it... it just fixed the AI