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Rumble in The Jungle Mission, Mission 14 Problems

Started by Der Vampyr Engel, March 03, 2004, 02:43:21 AM

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Der Vampyr Engel

I am afriad that I am having the same problem everyone else had when BZ2 first cameout I win Rumble in the Jungle but then... the mission doesn't end at all. I think this happened on mission 14 when BZ2 came out.

I was testing to see how aggressive the A.I. now is, it is very aggressive although some units still go through the enemy base Anyone else got this problem?

I have saved the game at the end onf the mission so if Ken and Nathan wish to find out what is wrong I will try and email the mission to them


I didnt realize the 1.3 would affect SP missions, more agressive you say? I'll have to play again and look into it, while there I may as well check to see if difficulty adjustements can make it easier or harder  and also to make sure the win cheat works

(I have a friend who hasnt played yet I dont want to have him stuck on an early mission where you have to protect your base and prevent the teft of 2 tech pods from haulers [be at two place], I'll tell him to just use the cheat when at that mission)

Der Vampyr Engel

Well they are more agressive in that when I tell then to attack the guardians (and turrets can be attack by ordering your units from the attack menu which they couldn't in 1.2 , that was a welcome change) they destroy every enemy within that range which is good.

I will try that mission again and see if it is just my system or if it is a beta patch glitch.


I distinctly remember an "attack" command in 1.2.....

You probably still have to make sure every turret within the base and around is destroyed.  There was always one key turret that I had to kill to end it.

Der Vampyr Engel

Yeah you are right but not  where it concerns the turrets. Yes there was an attack command in 1.2 but you never got the turrets listed in the attack list except for a few missions you always had to use the cursur which meant half the time doging the bullets while ordering your men to attack the turret, now you can just press the attack buton the turret comes up in the list and you simply order your units in for the kill.

Thanks Nathan and Ken, nice patch and that is much better than before just a pity about Rumble in the Jungle, Oh yes please kep the aggresssion or even increase the aggression of the units please

Der Vampyr Engel

I think I might have made a mistake here, I didn't get the APC's to attack the Scion Kiln so , even though I won, the game loop wouldn't let me out , still, it is quite strange that but I deleted the saved game file, I will test again

Der Vampyr Engel

Sorry that was a false alarm, got through the mission just fine, yes the A.I area little more aggressive but not that much aggresive, still I guess  alitle more code tweaks and they will be just fine, all in all a very good patch 8)