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Odd freeze in IA

Started by Weevil, March 01, 2004, 05:14:42 PM

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Just experienced a strange freeze playing on the map 'Fortress' in IA mode; Settings: Scion vs Scion, Difficulty hard, Computer force: large, player force: small
- The game went on for already quite some time without anyproblems: fps constant at about 80 fps. Then, at some point; my base and forces (The screenshotslinked below will give you an impression) were already quite developped, But then, suddenly, during a masssive assault of the CPU force (with loits of maulers and archers) the fps suddenly dropped down to 2-6 and the screen, expect for the shell, went blue. all shell commands still worked (though kinda slow, due to the fps;  giving commands was also possible, but the units didn't return any comments, and I guess, iff there was still a game going on, they wouldn't have reacted), but moving, firing etc. didn't seem to work. AfterwardsI left the game without probems via the abort button. I guess, it was some kind of  AI-issue....
Here are 2 screenies of the situation: http://www.freewebs.com/weevil/BZ2error.JPG
and half a minute afterwards:

and here's also the complete logfile:

Hope that helps...

Another little bug I noticed: although the player's new collision system seems to work flawlessly so far, I've seen some weird behaviour of enemy units during that game: at least twice, enemy scavs got stock right in some ruins, and also at leat twice, maulers crashed right into - I mean, just through the wall - my dower.



A savegame that demonstrated the problem would have been most useful in figuring out the root cause.

-- GSH


Ooops, sry. Didn't think of that...   I'll remember for next time.


that happend alot in 1.2... i think its alot of data that at some point your computer explodes...

i think that even if u do save game but restart your bzone it'll work fine...
have u tried playing another game without restarting bz?
i think it would've been the same... its realy annoying.. dont know if it can be fixed though - cause i dont think any1 will know where to start... (althought maybe this info will help you...)

it happends rarly so i think we can somehow live with it.. just restarting bzone will do.. annoying but not everything can be perfact ;)


Nope, didn't try to start another match before shutting down BZ2.
I already experienced much worse in BZ2, so I definitely can live with it ^^
The reason for me posting it was just because I hadn't seen that specific kind of bug ever before. and when i read the line:

FIXME: tracked physics going to bezerk line 650{
1.#R from    1.#R    1.#R    1.#R)

-Especially the word 'Fix me' - I thought it might have been something that has just been forgotten to complete.

Thx for your info, btw  :cool:


It's something that needs work, to be sure. However, how it got into such a state is currently a mystery. I made that message so that people would see that something has gone drastically wrong, and it'll need fixing.

A savegame that demonstrates it would be very useful.

-- GSH


i dont think a savegame would've worked...
as long as u restart your bzone it gets fixed... i think its 2 much elemets that the program / windows just freaks...

im not sure if ull be able to fix it... i think its something with the whole engine


Don't talk to me about what's wrong with the engine (I can list a hundred things in 5 minutes). Try being helpful.

-- GSH