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Still issue to place a nav point inside the Scion Recycler.

Started by Artighel, March 01, 2004, 05:03:14 AM

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When playing the ISDF and beginning a game, it is very usefull to place a nav point on the recycler creation spot. It allows the player to send damaged units at this nav to take a pod and get automatically repaired.
The problem is : with the Scion recycler, it's almost impossible to place a nav on the creation spot (most of the time the nav is created at the top of the recycler, so it isn't usable)

This v1.2 issue is still in the v1.3beta.
Could it be fixed before the v1.3 official release ?


This is more of a modelling issue I think, i.e. a nav model placed "inside" another model.  Someone else can probably give more explanation.  You'll notice that you can't do that with extractors, etc. either (nav will be on top of it).


Will a nav placed at the top of a Scion recycler (just over the top of the unit creation spot) work ? I mean : can we use it to send unit for reparation, although the nav is not at the floor altitude ? I've never tried this, thinking about it   :)


I have, but only once or twice long ago.  If they aren't in the right place, they'll start humping the Matriarch's leg(s).  I haven't done any more tests since. There is chance they will eventually find the pod.  Others with more experience should be able to reply.


If you get it right over the spot it'll work.  Mowerman loves to put his Service Bay/Dower navs right up on top of the things and they work fine..



He he he yup Av is right...  I put them on top it on purpose...  I think they look "pretty" (heh heh).  The units do have a problem picking up power-ups on the Scion Recycler apron (as was mentioned), but it's not problem at all on the dower..


I love it when the enemy Bomber gets stuck on one of Mower's navs...




Ok so this nav-over-the-Scion-recycler issue IS a disavantage when comparing with ISDF. I would add that when creating a new Scion unit, it will put more time to leave the Scion recycler because of the geometry (two vertical side pillars) of this recycler, comparing with the ISDF recycler which have a flat geometry around the unit creation spot (UCS).

Allow me to suggest a modification : what about moving the Scion UCS from the center toward the edge of the recycler ? HERE it is possible to put a nav at the ground level, so we could send a unit to get repair pods without wandering "will it succeed to catch the pod ?". Moreover, it could help fresh created units to leave the recycler faster, and thus to be as ready to act as when created by the ISDF recycler.


GSH, Beta-testers & Community, what do you think about this idea ?


So what do you think about the impossibility to put a nav point on the Scion recycler unit creation spot ? What about moving this spot near the edge of the Scion recycler (on the flat place), in order to :

1) give the possibility for Scions players to easy send units on repair pods, as ISDF players can do, since ever.

2) make easier the exit of fresh created units, as easy as with ISDF recycler


nha, nav on the isdf pad just freaks me off, i never seen any1 in vets game does that since its terriably annoying and if u already have units worth building (tanks or bigger) u SHOULD have a bay...

waste of time i think.. and its not needed

oh and even if u put nav exactly on the pod area if u send 1 ship ull have to tell it to go there few times - then it MIGHT get on it
and 2nd - if u have more then 1 ship ..... and i dont know about you guys but if i build attack group i build alot.. not 1 lil unit.. and if its "big" unit i send the trucks on it anyways

Dirty Rooster

I always put a nav on my scion matriarch spawn point.
I do it just after telling the thing to deploy, when
the green outline oblong is visible on the ground.
I just nav on the near end of the small oblong, well,
where it was since it disappears before I can nav it.

My early units mostly go get pods fine to that nav.

Needs practice, but I do it all the time now..


I always put my first nav on the recycler/matriarch pad.  If not to get powerups before the service bay/dower is up, but then to send units to defend my recycler if I happen to be in a remote location when it gets attacked.


One other way I've done in the past was to put 1 nav at the front side of the Matriarch and another at the back opening.  Tell a hurt unit to go to nav1 and then when it's there (by kinda looking at the radar map), then you tell it to go to the other nav.  Works a lot to get the power pods as they go under the Mat's legs, but it's a big bother too, management-wise.  I'd just might as well go try to get the dower up asap instead. You never know how good your AI is at geometry anyways.