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Modding and 1.3

Started by Slaor, March 02, 2004, 07:48:41 PM

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Seems there is mixed reactions to 1.3 in the modding community, interested to know why. Please post your experiences here.

Personally I am a big fan of it, but that may be because the TC project I'm working on (especially as regards unit physics) tends to be a long way removed from stock BZ2. Although Epic works OK in 1.2, it benefits greatly from 1.3 changes:

- It fixes FX culling and fog blending over distance (WOOT!!!)
- Gives me -> 26 races each with their own racial configs - new shields, pilots, explosions, build FX etc.
- Provides options for hard ceiling and constant burn on jetpacks
- Fixes AVs and freezes
- Lets tugs ferry active units
- Lets pilots and GTs be set as commandable
- Lets me have multiple eg: service bays
- lets me cap numbers on individual unit/building types if desired
- Gives me back the hunt command (and maybe minelaying too, unsure)
- Allows scopes on any pilot weapon
- generally seems to make AI units smarter and more efficient or at least allows the option to do so through config.
- etc.

1.3 was partially designed to allow more scope in the modding dept. and so far for my purposes it's all good - but a few modders don't feel as positive about what they see as arbitrary and unneeded changes to core functionality that is apparently breaking their mods, or else feel that needed functions havent been addressed.



can you really have 26 build effects?
There is only one that I can modify, for all races.
plus the f race (chromeeffect)

there is lot of goodies in 1.3 for us moders.
but I guess some of us are a bit afraid that people will shun their mod if 1.3 fails to get a wide distribution.
remains to be seen...

Tempest Storm

As far as I know, you can't have race specific build effects. Iwould like to see such a thing though, I asked Ken Miller about making it possible a while back, but who knows if it will be in the final or not. (Hopefully so, considering we have pretty much every other race specific aspect customizable)


Hmm I thought that the "blobs" effect were part of the racial configs, tho may be mistaken, haven't dug deep enuff. I know you can only have either wireframe or chrome effect base but racial blobs would allow a fair bit of variation as per FE.

re: shunning 1.3, with the physics and balancing stuff in the works I don't know that anybody will have any reason to shun it. But of course that remains to be seen - some people can always find an excuse for a bitch ;)

Tempest Storm

Yep, I also think it would be nice to have different damaged vehicle effects for different races too. Hopefully build effects can be squeezed in before 1.3 goes final.


There should be no excuse for bitching 1.3 as now anyone can mod it using the multiplayer variant process.


modders please remember to post anything you find that non functional and or missing.


I absolutely love it, and am hoping that after the initial "final bug hunt" we're allowed a small period of further 'enhancements' for modders.

My fear is that Ken and Nathan are burned out on working on this thing, especially given the chaotic reception it received here.  I hope they realize the spewing of a few is matched a million times over by the gratitude of the quieter posters here.   :)

But yes, I love 1.3 vs 1.2.  So much more is possible now that it's crazy not to embrace it with open arms.

Heckfire, each CLAN can have it's own Recycler variant for their own matches!!!  What's not to love?



if ur gonna cancel that option
and the hover only its just selectable like it was mentioned

how was it called? plan b? :s
i love the idea of choosing the rec...
but if u gonna delete the hover again - bah


Are the shields allowed to have percentage reduction, I know there are no energetic/missile weapons in bz :), it's just a trick done with the shield damage etc.
But if all the races have their own shields it would be a bitch to write all of it ;)

But how if a race could have shields that change damage in percents,
like if I upgrade my armory I have the new shields.
first reduces 10% to all weapons
second 20% etc...