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dumb gun towers and pilot killing

Started by PhoeniX-FlamE, March 03, 2004, 11:46:15 AM

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1.u can easily kill them while strafing
2.they dont shoot pilots untill getting hit by a rocket at least 4 times... then they just kill 1 pilot waiting for the next 1 to shoot 4 rockets..
2 apcs got gun tower to almost red..
and the gun tower wasnt shooting the pilots... the chain scout i had killed the pilots... the gun tower shot as explained above...

and about pilot killing
going over them 1 time should kill them..
i had to go over a pilot 4 times to kill it :? :s


a 1 should be enough.. i was driving preaty fast.. as a scout
i went over 2 times fast and 3ed time i was moving on it on a circle.. only then it died (getting smashed over and over)...


They are not regular pilots I think.  Its also what makes apc's so good now and worth the 50 scrap to build them.


and you dare talking about realsim about otehr stuff :p

a pilot shooting rockets in the middle of the base unnoticed :lol:


I am very glad APCs are this way.


Pilots have a low signiture causing the gun towers to "think" and locate before they shoot at you. I remember one of the single-player missions where this was stated (where you're on foot trying to save the commander).


Im just coming out of a test game

squashing APC marines: if I pick up speed (normal) a single hit kills the marine. If you were iddle or are just starting your acceleration as you bumb it wont kill them, I killed one by bumping twice at not fast at all speed.

Marines as targets: The rocket tanks in the game seemed oblivious to the marines attacking the base all around.

Rocket tanks: The one I saw shot down APCs but not the bomber. I was told that if equiped with hornets then they would automatically shoot the bomber.

Bomber & bomb: Bomber seems fine, except the bomb falls as if it has a parachute, I'm not a ace gunner (far from it) and even I killed the bomb before it reached the recycler (with relative 'ease' using basic scout minigun).


Rocket tanks have shadowers as their combat weapon, and shadowers can't lock onto pilots.  Hop in one, switch to salvo, and mow down those pilots....   :)

I've found it VERY important to tell TRT's (and Archers) to attack the Bomber.  They always seem to be 'watching' something else when the Bomber appears.

That Bomb is, well, the Bomb...  lol...  it bombs as a bomb.  The thing is as big as a Scout, and I agree that it's too easy to kill.  Unfortunately, the Bomber is one of those 'biggies' when it comes to balance.  Nobody seems to agree on how high it should be, how fast, what path, how big/fast a bomb, etc...

Gotta be careful with that one...



Today in a game, there were a bunch of rocket tanks shooting me with shads when I was in the enemy base. No friendlies were around so they were shooting at *me*. I was inside their bay so they targetted and hit their bay. Maybe thats a bug.

TRTs with hornet seem to automatically target the bomber. My theory is that since the hornets have 250m range, the high-flying bomber is in range and it fires without orders.

There were a *ton* of changes to the bomber. Its now new and improved! It won't move off the bay (no more bombers on the ground!), it doesn't fly in a straight line to and from the target, does more damage than in 1.2, the payload is changeable, and it flies higher on its way back. Just search for "bomber" in the changelog to read it all. Nice.


Yes, TRT's are trying to shoot pilots, but unless there's an object nearby they can't lock and fire.  I like Mortors or Salvo for taking out APCs as both work well against the pilots, too...



AI pilots have more "health & armor" to them (especially rocketeers).  Or maybe it's that ISDF-approved PCP that makes them super-warriors.

Pilots from exploded ships have more health if they are on your side (to prevent too much friendly fire & crashes) while those from the opposing side should be easier to kill.


my chain scout nearby killed them all fast as soon as he saw them and after 1st rocket
the gt however took 5 shots or more from each pilot then killed 1 and waitied for next 5 rockets to hit him to hit the 2nd one...

+ it took him sooooo *Ammo*ing long to kill them...

i havnt tried apcs 2 much in 1.2 but i know that 1 shot is enough to get gt attention

+ in that mission if u shoot 1 the spire gets lock on you

its simple - dont shoot and u can win the mission easily...
also if u go on the hill around the map u can snipe a gurdien and drive back to base


Yes, I find pilots more difficult to kill now.  Clearly that is a change, but maybe not a bad one.  I'm glad that APCs are useful now.  As for enemy human pilots, the're still not much of a threat and can be killed easily by running them over a second time or shooting them.

Use turrets.  I guess one pilot creeping around is likely to evade detection until he shoots something; and a machine gun post is likely to be quicker at taking out a pilot than an artillery battery, not that realism has much to do with it anyway.  :D

I think both stock and Hornet rocket tanks try and target the Bomber, APCs and pilots, even when just left to the AI.  None of them are good at shooting pilots, it's the wrong vehicle to use; both are good at shooting the APC as it's an easy target, and the Bomber is too fast or high for the stock version to be able to hit, but the Hornet version manages it fine.


If you want rocket tanks to shoot pilots maybe try removing the combat weapon so it only uses salvo. Haven't tested this but guessing it should work.


Come to think of it its ok for TRT specifically to have trouble locking on to marines.