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Scav problem

Started by Michael, March 04, 2004, 07:44:49 PM

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I know that most people do drive scavs around, but when they fall into holes and cannot get out you just have too. Well one fell into a hole on bigmoon, and I got in to get it out. I drove to a pool and press c. the scav just stopped dead in its tracks. I could not hop out or bail, when someone killed the scav, it just stayed there and did not even blow up. I typed /leave. and got back in.

For some reason in 1.3 when in FFA the bases are not destroyed when a player leaves, so I looked at the scav and it was green/grayed out, but the model was still there and the pool was dead. aougli suggested I post it. Let me know if you have questions.


Yeah, I joined that game half way through.  I had selected a Warrior as a starting ship, but when I entered the game I had an almost full ISDF base; I think I took over the base of someone who had left.

I don't play many four commander games; after my Rec and Factory were destroyed, I did not get any notification that I had lost, everything carried on; there were two other players in the game.

Also, I had a strange yellow cross left on my screen for a while, some sort of graphics artifact.

Units don't seem to be able to get around well on that map.


Joined another four commander game (stock 1.3), that was already in progress.

At the point where I spawned the AI opened fire on me.  Apparently someone had left the game with a full-ish base and I had sort of taken his place; however the AI hadn't been informed.   :s

I left the game, exited to the desktop and relaunched 1.3.  The same thing happened again, but as I was half expecting it this time, I made it out of the spawn area.  I went to every base and every time the AI open fire on me.  I was told I was on the yellow team, which is where I spawned, but they opened fire as well and their stuff came up in red (as enemy).

Also had a strange nav effect;  I placed very few or none yet had this, which I have never seen before:


With the nav thing.... Sometimes you pick up navs from people who have left the game and for some reason you own them under your name.


Wow, pointy navs of death.  Be sure not to back up your car on them.  :D


I'm guessing, but those navs seem too regular to be placed by a human.


Though I was never on the dev team, and only have some beginner BZ2 editing skills, I am wondering if it just an issue with the FFA .dll or whatever type of file that is. It seems to me that the 2 team strats work out just fine.