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Bz2 lifework/deeper meanings?

Started by Risa, March 02, 2004, 07:31:58 AM

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Well, there has to be SOME give and take...if we take away hover from the offense, it doesn't make sense to make the defense better as well...we'd end up playing 4 hour games.   While I enjoy long games, that amount of time tends to interfear with real life...bodily functions in particular.


I seem to remember hearing similar objections to the improved defences in FE .


If you leave in a annyoing bug like wobbling by a scout just becuase of game langth I think your looking at the problem backwards. If such is the case late game units and weapons should be boosted.

Look at command and conqure generals for a game where it is impossible to turtle and win against a human.

Red Devil

Anybody tried using the Level 3 AI aiming yet?

Anyways, wobbling a GT.  Sure, if there is just one unit aiming at you, but that is why you never use just one unit of anything and never use one type of unit.  That's why there are different units, to fill in the gaps.  Use your units in concert with other units.  Always. Pretty hard to woblle kill a GT when you have some Rocket Tanks/Sabres/Scouts/Missile Scouts/Turrets shooting at you too...
What box???


When it takes two units to kill the lowest level offensive unit in the game something is wrong. The gun tower is supposed to stop little stuff like scouts from lingering near your base. A turret can just bearly holds its own againts a scout, Gun tower should have no problem handds down.


A scout is the lowest level unit.

A human piloted scout is not the lowest level unit by far.

There are so many ways to counter wobbling.  The vulnerabilty encourages strategic planning, rather than just plonking down a tower and becoming invulnerable for 5 minutes until mortars show up.

Turrets are meaner in 1.3, too, which bumps up defense.  It could be argued that given the absence of hovering and circlestrafing, you don't even need towers until late in the game...by which time you have a lot of other toys to back them up.

We just gotta play more and see how the tactics evolve.


Quote from: AcneVulgaris

We just gotta play more and see how the tactics evolve.

Now there's the most intelligent thing said so far.


forget the GTs, and the turrets, and any ships, I just wanna make something clear here, read my 2 posts! (3 now)

(and go discuss unit ai/power/thrust/engeneering/whatever somewhere else)


I think all has been said that can be about your two posts and people are bored with that subject.


A human piloted scout is the lowest level of unit? That is definetly not true. It is the most versatile unit in BZ2, good for almost anything.

Being able to wobble a GT or not...hm...I understand what people are saying now when they mention the scout can't hover anymore. But, I would prefer a non-wobbable GT.

I do not think the scout was intended to base a base buster unit, right? A scout killing a GT, that sounds weird, at least if I was new at this game.

But then again, there are actually people in this game that prefer to use the scout instead of any other unit.

So our only conclusion is that people need tanks (or more) to attack a base? But tanks are not as good in this 1.3 warp, they weren't that superb in 1.2 either, not against chain scouts.

Bah, i dont know what i'm saying.


Right on ND!!!  We don't need any damn "thread police"! (even if it is the thread starter)