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Mortar Bikes piloted by humans

Started by aougli, March 03, 2004, 10:09:38 PM

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I've never banned bikes in a FE game even once. The reason you dont see players in them is that they are so completely worthless that it would be a waste of money. Not because they are banned. Heck the AI driving them cant even get them up some hills. Lead balloons.

If they were ever banned then they would have been addressed in Rev.C to make it so that they weren't.

FE bikes are about the easiest unit there is to kill except pilots or archers.


well TV in FE they are just total useless then... and like ZA said.. if they are any good well - blah

i find it quite hard finding a blance between total useless to "2 good"


@ TV: Ahum, In the days when I didn't have an internet connection yet and played BZ2 offline (that's 4 years ago now), I played ONLY in mtr bike. Haven't flown any during the last 3 years (perhaps once or twice in a DM, but no more than an hour all in all throughout the years), BUT: with the skills even I was able to make in flying bikes, it would have been ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM to stay just 400m or so above enemy rec and drop your whole load right onto it (If I remember correctly, that's just about enough to finish a nearly full rec off). Heck, I even could 'catch' my own mortar grenades fired in mid-air. those were the days *g*

but seriously: I think, most people will understand, that it's necessary to stick to the 'no human bikes' rule, so I would just leave them as they are.


If someone can hit a recycler consistantly from 400M straight up nose-hovering, they deserve a piloting award (you can't even see the object at that height, and it's out of range for mortars).  Whenever I hear people make these comments, I know they are not well versed in flying.

Flying is not the uber-skill that some are making it out to be.  Let's keep the discussions credible folks (along with respectful).


@Weevil: You are refering to legacy bikes in stock 1.0 through 1.2. FE is not directly comparable, and if you'd ever tried that in FE you'd see why.

I was the first server to ban human piloted mortar bikes after 1.2's leading reticle made them unbalanced. Soon it became a standard rule. FE brought them back with saner physics as did ZST. Some of us believe every unit provided should be allowed in the game if at all possible and work at that goal.

BZ FeebleEffort

Just Leave tehm Banned, they are not worth  the energy that may be reqyuired to tewak, change, alter them to treach a "balanced" unit....leave them and move onto bigger issues, of which there are plenty.


with all the effort that has gone into this patch so far, actually puting the effort in to balance things now seems farly small.


I agree with a couple people.  First of all, if u can fly decently with mortar bikes, basically, almost NOTHING can hit u.  I know from personal experience.  Just to experiment/get the players reaction, I have gone into an enemies base and flown around for 15-20 minutes just mortaring things and running out of ammo.  IT IS ANNOYING FOR THE ENEMY AND ME.  The commander of the enemies base gets ticked because no 1 can come up in the sky and kill me.  I get annoyed because it is EXTREMELY boring just floating up in the sky.  Therefore, i think that yes mtr bike SHOULD BE ALLOWED but, just hovering like a satelite above an enemies base should NOT BE ALLOWED.  ThIS is a problem that should be fixed.  It gets very annoying when an Mtr bike is hovering above your base nad the only way U can destroy it is by getting an Mtr bike of your own and chasing the hovering one away or destroying it.


Well I would just load up the base with service trucks.  MB don't carry that much ammo, and the higher you get the harder to hit anything consistantly.  I agree, it is very annoying and not much fun.

It's moot anyway, because you can't do that anymore in 1.3.


Quote from: BLUE DEVILIT IS ANNOYING FOR THE ENEMY AND ME.  The commander of the enemies base gets ticked because no 1 can come up in the sky and kill me.  I get annoyed because it is EXTREMELY boring just floating up in the sky.  

It would be most annoying for your commander, who would be one thug down.  There are other more productive things for someone to be doing to win a game.


lol trucks
pff if mtr bikes were allowed ill just give mrtr bieks to all my team... and give 2 of them mdm for your lil trucks...

Just Leave tehm Banned, they are not worth the energy that may be reqyuired to tewak, change, alter them to treach a "balanced" unit....leave them and move onto bigger issues, of which there are plenty.

and, u cant hit mrtr bieks even on the ground... it just takes the spirit of the other team...


PF, if you are high enough to out of range of GT's you won't  be pinpointing tiny little service trucks.  Your "lol" makes you sound stupid.  I would love to play some of you loudmouths on a LAN.

While I made sure my base was being healed (RT's in base too), I would have my teamates launch an assalt on your base, with a pile of AI units.


I don't think hovering is really even necessary for a human piloted bike to be a major PITA.  You just skitter around the perimeter of the base, MDMing all the defenses.  Those little guys can do a lot of damage with a load of MDM's.

Haven't tried it yet in 1.3...has always been so taboo that I don't even think to try it out....will have to leave myself a note.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

In the next public beta build, we should use the FE or ZST bike manuverabilty properties, see if they work fine as Ai units, and then see if pioleting them manually is undually harsh in comparision to...lets say a scout.
