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In your opinion...

Started by appel, March 04, 2004, 04:11:57 AM

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Name ONE thing that needs to be fixed so you will play 1.3 more.
And also, name ONE thing that has been fixed that makes you want to play 1.3 more.

(Please keep this post H-bug free, and short for the developers to read)


Less need for sleep,  :D hopefully someone can make a mod...
A BZNES package would be helpful too.

Apart from that, reducing the amount of warp.

But all in all, even in it's current state, 1.3 is pretty good, an improvement.   :cool:


hmm whats keeping me away from playing 1.3 is the aditude here... and all the ignorance and "stfu we dont care" thats going on...
BZNESS and newkeys missing

i cant find something i like in the current beat of 1.3
maybe the turn of the buildings
but that doesnt create fun.. only a "nice add"


I like the fact that when I play 1.3, I never have to endure the kind of players that made me quit playing 1.2. The dumbing down of the scout has been a good thing in my eyes, I've had alot of fun trashing bases in walkers and assault tanks. I also like the fact that a new player now stands a better chance against a vet, as a result of this the community stands a better chance of growing.


Warp is the biggest killer of 1.3 for me. I'm testing it on both a 900MHz Duron, with 256mb ram, onboard 32mb Prosavage3, LAN, and also on a Athlon XP 2700+, 512mb, 64mb Geforce2, Boardband AND LAN.

I give up totally on using blast tanks, I'm lucky to get 1/6 shots in. The biggest difference I find in 1.3 Warp as opposed to 1.2 warp is:
1) 1.3 Warp "appears" smoother

2) I could predict where the player was in 1.2, and hence shoot him most of the time, whereas I have no idea at all where he/she is in 1.3.

Hmm... I guess I'll have to what until more things get finished/converted to 1.3 before I comment on what I find good. Its hard to say when I miss BZNES so much =)

Oh, the new MPI is a good start, atleast in this version I have to atleast build scavs to win. In the old MPI I only need the some of the 40scrap worth of pods too win. Nut still, I beat it on the hardest setting 1v1 on my first go. MPI's biggest problem is that it can't defend its base, and is still WAY to predictable.


Are you talking about the regular mpis?  Like dunes and chill?  We decided to keep those the way they have always been and let other map makers such as Grennheart and myself to make other mpis with extra goodies about to make assaulting the ai base harder.  Tell me you can beat say for instance MPI Firestorm in a few minutes and then I will say yes there is something terribly wrong.


Needs to fix: The warp factor in 1.3 is a bit off the scale for me. Everything warps, even scavs and bombers. It's harder to hit the enemy now than in 1.2 in my opinion.

Has been fixed: AI units are actually useful now, in dogfights, on the field, assault the base etc. HOWEVER, turrets and GT's need a bit of work still.


Well, I just played Firestorm 1v1.

It is a very good idea, and seems very ewll set out, I give my congrats to the creater. But it isn't what I would call a "challanging" MPI. Drawn out, yes.

It took me 1hr30mins to complete it. I lost me ship 3 times. First was when I didn't know out the statue, and the other 2 were on decoy runs into the base.

Easy way to win:

At the start, get the first pool, send 2 scvs as bait to the 2 turrents on the second pool. Kill the fturrents, get loose, setup pool. Build Constructor, build realy behind first pool, build 1 GT, have starting turrent on the otherside. Upgrade, build second GT. Build another power, goto second Pool, put a turrent there, move cons to second pool, repeat GT/Upgrade procedure. Aswell as pushing some of those lonely AI scavs into base for scrap. Get sbay, and have 2 trucks at each pool. While having about 5 spare scavs getting loose. Build armo, get chains, build tech then training and get sp/chain/mdm/mcur tank. Build a few apcs and some more power.

Move Cons upto rightahnd side of AI base entrance, build relay and start walking GT's to those "track" entrances. Move s-trucks up to "front-line"
See AI APCS go overhead, run back to base while building TRT's. Kill APC's and set a few laser turrents aroudn the place with a few TRT's. Use APC group to take out Statues at 3rd pool. While hiding behind ruins to mdm statues safely :)

Build bomber, and 2 groups of APC's.

Note: My scrap was almost always maxed out from around 30mins onwards when I had my front line set up. So I got to just queue up lots of APC's.

Use tank run with mcurs into base as decoy to get some APC's almost landed. About half will land. Time bomber to be slightly behind. Repeat again, then mope up base defence. HF Pummeling Recy with 100 HP.


I even goto go make my self some 2minutes and eat, only no and again telling scavs to scavenge.

Once again, well done. But not some much a "challange", but just a long drawn out war of atriution.

Big AI bases to start with never really impressed me with AI and anygame. Its when they start with near the same defences as you, but can use what we all normally have available to proved a challanging game.

Don't take me as been someone who just complains about the MPI. I really would like to see it improve, and am just trying to prove some insites into how imho it is going atm.


omg :o
why such a long to do list?

preaty easy,

build 2 gts each entrance upgrade all the pools u can get
get a bomber and u won


Coz this way, I could go make my dinner =)

Oh, and have u played Firestorm PF? If you haven't, I suggest u do first :)


i just did noky...
i went few tries to udnerstand the map... just 5 mins to check around stratrgies.. after 3 tries i got the computer under TOTAL lockdown in 20 mins :lol: :s


well the one thing that I'd like to see changed more than anything would be to restore the editors ability to run DLL's , this is proving to be a serious handicap for me .

On the plus side I just finnished my 1st Multiplayer game with 1.3 , it wqas only an MPI with strange>FLY< hosting , and it's the smoothest it's ever been , this is great stuff , and the improved AI is simply astounding .


One thing that would make 1.3 better:
playble mods
already better:
sound, great ai improvement

I know the mods will probably take a while.

Zero Angel

Naving the secondary pool, arcing the turrets on the way back, then sending you second scav to the nav, and sending your third scav at the rat thats remaining is far more effective. You end up with one redlined scav, but he can still suck up all the scrap you got from the rats.

Locking them down @ 20 minuts is a pretty big achievement, considering you're gonna get tank rushed right away seeing as the enemy has at least 5 upgradeds and you couldnt've possibly got a good base defense and a decent buffer force in time.

Separating the Editor from the BZone.exe did more damage then it fixed, anyone with half a brain wont enter a strat where one person has already started.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Netcode(i want every fight to be like the first dog fight.. like in dm, no warp)

wait a sec.. i already play 1.3 :D