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In your opinion...

Started by appel, March 04, 2004, 04:11:57 AM

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Zero Angel

Yep, i'd have to say the new smoother warp is a pain too.

Also, it seems that in 1.2 you could get a nice wide arc in when rainbowing turrets, but in 1.3 its more of a drop almost right onto the turrets then the wider arc that i've grown accustomed to. Were the air physics changed from B58?
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


this is how i did it took some time on the rats though... ive restarted cause of mistakes with the rats :)  

1st scav base
2nd the far side there
while doing that i keep rainbowing the rats killing it slowly.. (that was the hardest part.. killing it without scavs or anything...) after u kill the 1st one its easy...

then get 2 more scavs 1 to deply 1 for scrap
get con to go there
move the rat to the between hills there so when mtr bike comes it wont see it till its 2 late.. then when it strafes to dodge the turret the gt will slaughter it.. cause before i moved the rat there the mortar was mortaring the GT outranging him...

anyways get 2 gts...
send the base con after build 2 powers and gt near your base pool (not using relay there.. just power walk)
so u get 2 powers and gt in base then send the con to the far pool... its secured by the gt on the 3ed pool... after that get arm with 3 upgs (np eh?)

u can even do it in scout but with tank its more reliable ;)
send the con to where their base... there are like 2 or 3 lines the AI comes from right?
make sure your con goes from the right and not the middle (left or w/e) because the rats there.. no need to deal with em...
passing AI units wont attack it for some reason.. and if they do kill them (with scout get their attention and drag em away) and then once u get ur 1st gt its gg... i just builded a huuuuugee line covering all their entrances (not needed sicne they only come out the right one...) i took pics but forgot newkeys doesnt work and that they are not saved.. i have 1 pic that u can see 2 gts near their entrace but if u look on radar ull see i have a line from the relay...

now, with 3 upgs and the comp aint attacking u can do w/e u want...
get bomber and just kill everything..