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Opinions on the Sentry

Started by IceWendigo, March 04, 2004, 02:20:45 PM

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Putting a cannon on it isn't that hot of an idea DVE.

Look at the warrior.

1 Cannon,
2 Guns,
1 Special,
1 Shield.

now look at your sentry with a cannon:

1 Cannon,
2 Guns,
1 Special,
1 Shield.

The only difference is slightly different health/ammo numbers, differnt initial weps and different look. Pointless...

Even add a 3rd Gun, instead of 2 sounds better.

I like some of the ideas for Sentries that others like Slaor have brought up however.

Der Vampyr Engel

OK AP how about this:

4 Guns
1 Rocket
1 Special
1 Shield

Or this

4 guns
1 Cannon
2 Rockets
1 Special
1 Shield

The thing is to make the thing useful, not to keep retiring it as soon as the action gets hot and heavy, otherwise why not speed it up at least to the equivalent of the ISDF scout, I will try the 1st and the second config as ee what it is like


No. The sentry will keep its hardpoint configuration. I will not accept a sentry with a rocket/cannon/more guns whatever. If you're going to do that, might as well not do anything to the sentry.

FE made it useful by increasing its HP and adjusting the guass weapon. Thats a very simple change.


Wasn't there a maximum of 5 HPs? Anyway, I tried 3 gunned sentry and they are perfect (well exept that the whole main body just dissapeared). They are also quite effective against tanks (if you are a good strafer), also I placed a few of them (6) in a map with a turret defended base, turrets (3) were overwelmed, even if you make them have a bit of a lack of armour (wich they kinda have now) if you yourself form a distraction in a heavier unit (combat mode warior) those sentries are very powerfull as support fire (wich could also be considered tipical for escorting as if the enemy is attacking the important vehicle it's more important to kill than to have tough armour). I admit that these tests were early in-game, but I didn't fix the ammo loadout & recharge yet (0.5 of the original extra to keep the amout of shots the same) so I depleted it pretty fast and they also wern't armed with gaus.
I can really recomend this, little need of futher changes to the odf unless you are seeking perfection.


I agree with Speedy and Sloar, no additional gun/cannon/missiles  :x  it would change the essence and nature of the Sentry  :D  (and theres already plenty of choices for that breed of ships  :roll: ) .

I've looked at improving it's mine-laying abitily and I have come to the conclusion that the seeker mine's rof is good as it is, but it's doing virtually no damage and with little chance of hitting a target in the first place, the seeker mines need to be imporved quite substantially to be effective (dramatic damage increase, and boosts its homing range and speed).

I think that with minor tweeks(great regeneration), along with improved Seeker Mines and a Stealth Field [red field] special, the Sentry would then be both interesting to play (offering [sneaky/guerilla] more variety in gameplay) and remain different (with less direct firepower [no cannon, missile, or motar]).  :)   :-)   :-D


i could make the guns cannons with plasma and almost infinit health
and ammo


DVA - your suggestions are OTT. Minor tweaks would be far more appropriatte.


Heh, this is getting ridiculous, next I'm expecting to see a topic on how to make the lancer better.   :shock:


Nothing wrong with a civilized discussion among gentlemen...  :)

I don't like seekers...  they're either too easy to avoid or the darn Sentry backs right into it's own seeker...

This might be evil...  feel free to abuse me if it's a dumb idea.

Will they use JAX?



"Do you know which paramerter to include in the fvsent.odf to make it stealthy in this particular way?"

It's a fairly late addition so am not entirely sure of the actual ODF settings involved. Tempest told me about it and doubtless it's in the changelog - will dig it up tomoz.

Tempest Storm

You can use:


To make it non targetable and such unless its in line of sight.



To make it the same way but only when its morphed.



Hmmm, minor changes to the sentry. I noticed that the sentry has its own unique aiName, just like the Msl scout. I think if the SentryProcess ai was more aggressive in its fighting style, however it will still use its special at times, just not so often as it currently does since thats what ends up killing it. That may give it some use when told to attack stuff, ai or human. Giving it Tank ai would mean that the sentry won't use its special and it would just agressively fight with its guns.


Let us remember what we are trying to acomplish here.  The scions are my favorite team and I agree that I rarely use the sentry.  There was no use for it.  The purpose of this post is to give the sentry a use.  Adding weapons not only completely changes what the sentry is and unbalances things... but it also still doesnt give the vehicle a purpose.  It will just end up trying to take the warriors use.  

The slaor had the best idea.  There was a purpose added there by making the invisible on radar.  You can use it in early game to do some sneak attacks.  Then in the late game it still has some use.  More powerful units are slower and can be intercepted on the way to the base.  A few sentrys could be sent to the base undetected then distract the enemy so they don't watch their radar while titans come in or while you put archers into postion near the base.  

With stealth the sentry is now useful.  For sneak attacks and for sneaking up and distracting the enemy while better forces come in.  

Lastly, the sentry with radar invisibility kind of fits the whole scion beliefs.  You know, like quick, stealthy, sneaky attacks.  Scion units in general aren't quite as well armored, but tend to be quicker than the isdf.  Just look at the mauler.  Well you know what I mean.  

Anyway I think invisibility on radar would be perfect and people would actually use the sentry then because it would have a purpose.


why do u have to give it a use?