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This Community kills itself like no Other I know.

Started by Knarly_Death, April 26, 2004, 11:52:16 PM

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Der Vampyr Engel

So you own the game, Dark Fox? OK then, why is there going to be no Battlezone 3 , Come on, since you own the game  why no Battlezone 3?

Why can't we have massive maps in mulitplayer so we can have proper strategy mathces instead of rubbish "kill scavs and extracts" deathmatch crap?

We demand you or the developers make  another Battlezone 3 because since we bought the game , we own it so there will be another Battlezone 3 so I can just go and make another Batlezone 3 since I own the game , is that right?

Or since you own it why no Battlezone 3?

Black Hunter

Ooh! How about if the pot had a few leaks, but was naturally anti-gravitic, and it had the tendancy to float around unless tied down? Then comes the paintjob offer that not only fixes most of the leaks, but also destroys the anti-gravitic properties, which was oh so much fun to play with, and the paintjob would make Picasso turn in his grave. Wut should be the next course of action?

... and wut the heck am I getting at with this? I have no freakin' clue!

Anyhoo, I think this has gone beyond the mere ownership of the game or copies of it. True, many of us paid money for it in hopes of getting a worthy successor to Battlezone, but didn't to an extent because a few people at Activision made a grab for the Corporate Stupidity Awards. Fortunately for us, a few good people decided to stick around in an effort to salvage wut was lost to a decision to rush completion of the game, which was ultimately not their fault, and I cannot thank them enough for that. Obviously, this was never about the money. From wut I can gather, it was about the fulfillment of a vision, and it's only natural that some of the people who paid for it would want some part in the shaping of that vision. I guess this is the territory that's in dispute.

As I've said before, it's not the money; Rather, I think the trust that comes with it that should be given a little extra consideration.

EDIT: Thanks for the heads up, Mower. :)


Pandemic did not set the release date, or the development cycle.  That was Activision.


DVE - I don't own battlezone3, I own battlezone2.

As for all that crap about the original designs of the pot and everything - same answer, I still don't own the pot, I sold it to you. Designs and the like have nothing to do with things. I can claim I own the game because I *do* own the game. I went and bought it the week it was released. In fact, I've brought it twice so far, so I suppose I own it twice. Don't get so offensive towards people that claim they own the game, and for god's sake don't try to argue otherwise, you're the guy sounding like an idiot by telling people that they don't. You're so wrong it's not even funny, it's mildly irritating.


DF, just look at this quote:

Quote from: Der Vampyr Engel
Plenty of times have I nearly come to losing MPI and Strat games because these so called vet's can't even understand about defending the base while it get's built , they run of seeking glory and you are alway's there having to crank out stupid service pods because these brain deads get shot up or they lose their damn ship before you have any decent defenses up.

I, too, was tempted to respond but whats the point in arguing with someone who obviously isnt afraid of discussing things he has no friggin idea of. Some people just dont feel any pain.

Yea, I know, Im getting personal again. But hey, there are only the two ways to deal with people who´s personality is the whole issue: attacking their person or completely ignore them. The latter one is certainly the wiser option. Everything else will inflate their presence even more.


I noticed that, and nearly quoted it, but only re-reading it do I see he's not just complaing about pilots failing to defend the base, he's complaining about having to build pods for them. You're right, there's no hope reasoning with DVE until he's played a few games online.

-- My last post to DVE on this issue --

Der Vampyr Engel

Yeah you still didn't answer my question DF and one question in there was related to BZ2. ANd I bought the game when  they released it as well, I think pleanty people on here did athough I will admit I didn't buy Battlezone 1 the week they releeased it, more like monthes after they released it, but you say you own the game? then OK Why can't you do your own offical 1.4  flying patch if what I am talking is crap?

As for stupid jerks who piss off and leave other in the lurch while others have to build the damn base for them and waste time cranking out ships or services pods when, if they just defended the base for a while they would get a damn service bay or dower and think you have no idea of what I'm talking about there is only one thing I got for them. I mean I don't mind cranking out service pods if they are defending the base, but when they simply pee off and don't bother defending the base and then want to have a go because they don't like what they hear I have only one thing for them.

The finger.


DVE, if every1 sais ur wrong - ur probably wrong...

i dont own the rights of the game, but i do OWN the game...

i can make 1.4 officel patch... officel for me though - not for any1 else...
will be MY officel 1.4

BUT the *real* officel 1.4 will have to be from the company, because they have the rights and they made the game from the 1st place... but its 2 difrent things...

they are selling a product... but if ppl dont like it they will complain - and if they look for something in the new product that they had in the old one - they will scream (some...)
ppl will espicely go crazy if the company will tell them "we dont care"

untill u cant beat mpi in hmm lets be large... 20 mins dont talk about idiots ingame alright?

Der Vampyr Engel

I 'll say what I'll like PF and I have beaten MPI before OK? Not only that I am right, but you all can think what you like and do what you like you can simply find out the hard way.

And if I am there doing the base and some jerk goes off trying to get glory and comes back on foot while I am trying to get a decent base up they're jerks , got it?

Look , best thing to do is if you host a game, don't let me in because I am getting to the point where I will simply throw people out if they carry on doing that kind of thing. When the goddamn base is built you can go and have your battle glory, fly, have 50 Ass tanks or if your playing Scoins 50 Maulers whatever you want, but you can't have it with just a bloody rec and pods right?

Anyway, most of the time , when I host a game I get newbies, I prefer them to the "vets", I get some vet's but not many and seeing the way they behave I don't care to have too many of them around.


Calm down everyone.  As for rights to the game, legally you own your copy, but all source, code, interfaces, and objects are owned by the company that made it (mabye the publisher depending on their contract).  You only bought the *right* to play it.  Legally you are not even allowed to modify it.


i said this a long time ago in one of my other post:

"my point exactly-:this has turned into another squable. people nit pick on everything we say in our post. they extract every little word and put it together to make those who post look ignorant and malicious. stay away if you are here to argue. i dont want to hear about this hover crap. its a old topic and everyone can take that @#!% over to the other forums. im tired of it"

why are we fighting about "owning and owning a copy of it" Who cares!? i dont. Knarly_Death needs to know one thing. we have a really really really bad habbit of spaming and going way way way off topic.


Personally I would have locked this about 3-6 posts ago as that is when it has got really out of hand.  This board has already been through so much, it does not need to go through more.