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On Thin Ice (Mission 11 single player)

Started by tarquin1048, March 05, 2004, 06:18:31 PM

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I've built near that base pool without any problems.  Basically, I deployed the Rec close to the ice field (the one you crossed over with yer Rec).  I told the transport to stay somewhere on the river behind the hill where the Rec is.  Just keep an eye on it.  Then, you can build around the base pool, extending it with powergens, so that you can build the service bay on the otherside of that pool. Getting 3 pools up quickly, as well as gathering the scrap, will help you crank out 3-4 turrets at this early stage.


Quote from: Der Vampyr EngelWell that might be it, I know shoot each one so they run after me that what you mean Gummo?

Hell, it's always interesting to note the knee-jerk n00b statements around here.  You *Ammo*ing tosser.

Der Vampyr Engel

From tigger
QuoteHell, it's always interesting to note the knee-jerk n00b statements around here. You *Ammo*ing tosser [/quote]

Thank you tigger for now really lowering the tone,  you *Ammo*ing wanker, tell you what don't get involved jackass if you are gonna start with the bad language, by the way how comes a little jerk like you alway's manages to lower the tone huh?

Still you make this a flame I request locking this thread Now go and shove your stupid offensive head up your arse


How about the both of you shut the hell up before I ban both your asses.

As for the mission, I never had any issues keeping the attackers at bay. Seems too easy some times when I am doing it.



Maybe I'm playing the wrong version (1.2 I think), but I have a completely different problem. I can't complete the game because I can't find Cdr Shebeyev. I managed to get the rec & transport to the dust-off point (without setting up the rec), then I went back and destroyed the scion base, sniped all the units, the only scions left are two guardians and two sentries who continually spawn when destroyed.

I get a radio message that says I found Cdr Shebeyev's crashed drop ship but she's not there and she must be around somewhere. Now, I have driven all over the map looking for Shebeyev. I left the tank near the drop nav and walked underwater in the big lake hunting for Shebeyev. Am I missing something (probably obvious)?? Is this a bug fixed in 1.3?? :?

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

You should read your mission objectives more throughly. You are ment to get the transport to the drop off point. That is your primary objective along with defending the rec. Anything else is secondary.


jwk... thats not his problem.. at least i didnt understand your post...

its not *reading* its *listening*

after u get to the dust off DEPLOY the rec, build a base then u should get the transport to the dust off... deploying the rec is one of the trigger for next event because when u deploy the rec u get attacked by a swarm of scions... then u need to clear the 2nd nav (kill / snipe the gurdiens there) and then get the transport there


After reading this thread I tried this mission in 1.3 and the first time I got surprised. I had already 4 turrets (2 on rec and 2 on the 2nd pool) and bay up when suddenly a huge armada attacked and made hash of my base. The next time I was prepared, deployed all turrets around rec, and I had no problem to deal with the attackers although they seemed to attack earlier this time. Of course baiting the attackers one by one and then running from them and taking cover behind bulidings or rhinos helps a lot to save your turrets and your rec. After the first wave you have enough scrap to build towers. The rest is like 1.2.


So I gather that doing things in the right order is crucial to this scenario. I had already built the base at the dust-off point, however, the scions were already destroyed. Ill try going back and building the base at the drop point when I reach it. I also noticed everyone else talking about a turret. I start this scenario with only a tank and a scout. Did I miss something else? Thanks for the responses.

Bull Dog

You get a turret when you are given command of the Recyler.

Bull Dog

Der Vampyr Engel

Well since having to deal with the Scion rush I ahve had varying degrees of success, I have taken care of most of the attackers with 2 turrets and a scout up but I either lose my ship or have to recyle one of the turrets  and when I try to restart from save as soon as I get to the cut scene and press the spacebar to cut the AVI they are have already destroyed my tank or in the process, I have worked out the the only way to get the turret deplyed is ti use a nav beacon and place it right on the Rec's bay and tell the turret to deploy at the nav beacon, then send the dropship away from the Drop Piont and also start crankng out scavs and turrets


I did manage to complete the level, setting up the rec near the drop point is crucial as I tried several different locations all failing. I also noticed that saving and restarting after reaching the drop point NEVER works. The waves of scions start immediately and I could not get more than 1 scav and 1 turret built before the first wave. I tried saving and restarting when the rec is at the last leg of the trek prior to reaching the drop nav and I was able to beat them consistantly (three times). The key for me was to build 1 scav and get it to the biometal pool, then crank out 4 turrets before the next scav and the first wave hit as the second scav was being built. I always have the scout protect the transport and put them behind the rec. Four turrets and me could easily defeat the first wave, then get the second scav to the next pool and get four more turrets set up and start the third scav. At this point the turrets pretty much take care of the waves. I just paid attention to thier dammage and sent them to get repairs one at a time. From here I built the fourth scav and sent it to the third pool, built a constructor, four more turrets and got the rest of the base set up. Once I had three gun towers I could easily leave and destroy the scions and clear the dust-off point. I found that an assault tank works better than mortar on the guardians, but since it is slow I suggest taking at least three tanks as back up. This turned out to be more fun than I thought as I was previously getting bored with it. I'll be doing this one again a few more times.


all sounds nice and moo but do u have any idea how much a scrap pieace gives you?

doesnt seem so....


I remember this mission. It took me several tries to get it right. This is an excellant SP mission. This stuff sounds about the same as 1.2, the Scions could be a pain there as well.