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Minor request regarding PL-Stabs

Started by stinky, March 06, 2004, 07:57:22 PM

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I was hoping the PL-Stab in 1.3 would've been changed so you don't take that minor bit of damage when you fired it when standing still due to its first pulse. Looking at the ODF files in data.pak I can see why.

From plstab_a.odf

classLabel = "pulse"
shotGeometry = "gatstab.xsi"
shotSound = "Ordin_a.wav"
renderName = "plstab_a.render"
xplGround = "xpulgnd_a"
xplVehicle = "xpulhit_a"
xplBuilding = "xpulhit_a"

ammoCost = 30
lifeSpan = 2.86 // 200.6m
shotSpeed = 70.0

damageValue(N) = 210 // none // 140 + 225 +/-
damageValue(L) = 200 // light // 133 + 125 +/-
damageValue(H) = 190 // heavy // 126 + 75 +/-

damageValue(S) = 200 // standard // 133 + 125 +/-
damageValue(D) = 190 // deflection // 126 + 255 +/-
damageValue(A) = 210 // absorbtion // 140 + 75 +/-

pulseDelay = 0.3
pulsePeriod = 0.3
xplPulse = "xpulemit_a"

From xpulemit_a.odf

classLabel = "explosion"

particleTypes = 1
particleClass1 = "xpulemit_a.shock"
particleCount1 = 1
particleVeloc1 = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
particleBias1 = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

explSound = "gtagg00.wav"

damageRadius = 25.0

damageValue(N) = 225
damageValue(L) = 125
damageValue(H) = 75

damageValue(S) = 125
damageValue(D) = 225
damageValue(A) = 75

If you do a bit of simple maths, you can see that the the first pulse from the shot comes when the shot has travelled 21m from your ship. From xpulemit_a.odf  the pulses have a 25m explosion radius, which means you will take a wee lil bit of damage, which gets annoying. I was hoping this could be fixed up in 1.3 - or maybe it is just one of those things "you can't fix what isn't broken" > that damage was intentional


looks like a safe tweek.

boy if we had more ppl like you around, thatd be one nice pollish off for 1.3 :)


My only question is.......What about when your moving forward? :?  

Your still going to take damage, probably more than sitting still. Good idea though. It would probably take a very fine blend of shotSpeed and pulseDelay to hit the right combo.


Or speed the bullet up a bit maybe? A few options would work. Good digging there stinky man.


is there a parameter for Initial delay upon firing?

personally, I like the self damage. It encourages heavier units to use the PL.


With pulse class weapons, there is the initial delay, which can be used so you don't get blasted by the first pulse of the shot. However I believe that you should take damage if you are charging forward blazing PL-Stabs, something to be careful about when dogfighting since you get the advantage of still inflicting damage to your foe although you missed a direct hit - a decent tradeoff

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

the Pl stabber tech-wise, is higher than SP stab. It should really be used as an anti-scout unit imo, but in a dogfight be only *as good* as sp stab vs lets say another sabre.

What i would personally do is increase the pulse width, and damage vs light so that it is an affective anti-scout cannon (not too much mind :S), but make it as affective as SP stab vs another sabre (pulse damage inculded), and worse than SP stab vs buildings.

This would give it a neich, a defensive anti-scout sabre weapon. The 'charging forward whilst taking damage thing' should remain if possiable, but if no-one uses it, it should be taken away then.

Heh, i remember in the single player pulse stab + laser was damn fine vs scions.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

damn it! my edit post function isnt working, btw, if a mod is reading this can you change the '...pulse width, and damage vs light so ...' to say NONE, ...and delete this post.


i dont know what u all complaning about

PL is a scout killer in its current state and about sabres... if u know how to aim good then also any other light medium armor units...
then hit is somewhat weak but the radious dmg is great.. it also confuses the enemy with red screen of the radious damage...

i dont see why PL needs adjusments and its not higher in tech

for SP u need relay and for PL u need bay

and if im not wrong u dont even need armory for PL only bay... not sure about that