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Getting the 1.3 mission source loading in the Editor

Started by OvermindDL1, March 06, 2004, 08:35:56 PM

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This is how to get the released 1.3 mission dll source to compile so it will load in the editor build.  Please note, although it should load in the editor I still do not see it being run, so as soon as someone figures out the command to get it to run then this should be good to at least be prepared for when that time comes.

1)  Start up VC++ and open your 1.3 dll project workspace.
2)  Now goto the Build on the menu toobar and choose Configurations...
3)  Click the Add button to add a new configuration type
4)  In the  Copy settings from: box choose *whatever* - Win32 Release
5)  In the Configuration box put in something like "Release Editor" and then click OK
6)  Now goto Project then Setting or hit Alt-F7
7)  In the Setting for: drop down box choose the Win32 Release Editor
8)  Click on the link tab to bring forward its options
9)  In the Object/library modules: section, scroll all the way right in the text
10)  Change the bzone.lib word to BZ2Edit.lib
11)  From then on, choose the editor configuration to compile it for editor

Please note again, the script will still not be started by bz2 in the editor, there should be some sort of command for that but I am unaware of it at this time.