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Thank you! Thank you!

Started by Michael, March 06, 2004, 12:38:42 AM

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I would just like to thank all who were involved with the 1.3 patch. Especially those from Pandi who put all this time into something that they were not really compensated for. I really appreciate it, as I am sure others do.
1.3 is an excellent "completion" to a very unique game. I really do enjoy it, though I am still learning all the details about it.

And one more thing, if I post issues that I have with the 1.3beta its not that I am trying to be malicious, but just that I would like to help to find some of the smalller issues that might have been missed.

Thank you again! It is really cool to play bz2 again, and be surprised when things actually go the you don't expect them too. Haha! Its like playing it for the first time. . .well not quite the first, but pretty close to it.  :-D


tes thankyou very much im  geniun fan i bought bz  bz1  and bz2 yes im that old and this latest patch is a great step forward :)


ditto. Thank you,   :P it was worth the wait, as with the overwhelming silent  majority of the community I'm not just happy :) , I'm very impressed :shock:  :D . I have been awed by everything it contains!  :-o :-D


Yes it's amazing, seems not to be possible of being made by humans.


A very big "Thank You" to all testers. And mostly Ken and Nathan for not forgetting us, the ones who have continued to enjoy all their hard work over all these years.

Had I won million dollars, I'd share it with those who truely take pride in their work even after the paychecks stop coming.

Some in the community still want to have the fight they felt they wasn't given the chance to have at the start of 1.3 but once that passes I hope the real fun begins with map and mod updates, plus all that the future will hold in new mods, maps and MP options.

It's not the end, it's a new beginning.  :-D

*note* This is not, as DS puts it "empty hollow praise". The fact anyone from Pandemic Studios still cared enough to work nearly three years on their off time to, in so many ways, improve this game should be reason enough to say "thank you" and "let's work together to finish it!"...


May I also say a big thankyou , it's not perfect yet but it's so much better than what we had .

Great work guys , I really appreciate all the effort you've put in .


Yes, I'll also like to thank GSH,Ken and everyone else involved for all their hard work to get this latest patch done. I hope GSH comes back,and with some constructive input, the 1.3 can be made good for all.

Thx guys.


I hope we can just delete this forum, keep the constructive topics, and start again. I also hope Nathan/Ken comes back because the majority does like 1.3. Its just an overly vocal minority thats causing all this trouble: GSH left, VnB-Aegis unsubscribed, Lizard left...

This patch is simply amazing, I enjoy every part of it. Shame people don't give it half a chance or come into it with an unreasonable bias.

Der Vampyr Engel

I got to say this to Ken and Nathan, thank you for carrying on support this game. long after the exec's left it and for providing extra patches for it.

This is very rare in today's gaming world so everyone here should really appreciate it


Yes, thanks to Ken and GSH and all the Beta testers for 1.3  It took a long time coming out, but it's here; so thx.


Although it already might be a little late now: Yes, I also like 1.3 very much. It ain't perfect, but it's great work that I really appreciate. Although even I am not 100% confident with the way hovering has been treated, I think this is the right place for me to say: I plead all those people here arguing about that stupid issue: PLEEASE, even if you are not willing to accept the things you don't like about 1.3 and give it a chance, so that you could see all the positive aspects of 1.3, then at least understand, that, whatever your opinion is, it won't do any good if you keep going on like this. I hope the events of the last 2 days will serve as a serious warning...