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Access violation in middle of some new feature DM (Wabbit!?)

Started by Kalpa, March 07, 2004, 12:56:13 PM

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[ E X C E P T I O N ]
Patch 1.3 PublicBeta1 Feb 28 2004 11:57:13
Info: READING from 0BEA4000h
0040EDD1 +0071 bzone.exe EXE AttackTask.obj protected: void __thiscall AttackTaskP::WaitState(enum AttackTaskP::StateMode)
EAX: 0AC06C5Ch   CS: 0000001Bh  DS: 00000023h
EBX: 00000004h  EIP: 0040EDD1h  ES: 00000023h
ECX: 0BEA3E8Ch   SS: 00000023h  FS: 0000003Bh
EDX: 03193C2Ch  EBP: 00000000h  GS: 00000000h
ESI: 0AB243ECh  ESP: 022CF504h          
EDI: 0B44AC5Ch                      
CF: 00210202h PF:0 AF:0 ZF:0 SF:0 OF:0
Entering critical shutdown


Now to think of it, this AV shouldn't surprise at all, it was the host's at least second (I believe it was third or maybe even more really, I just weren't in the first one) game in row, with no restarting BZ2 in between... :P


it was one of the goals of 1.3 to get rid of the need to restart bz2 inbetween strat games.
this open beta is supposed to get lots of in_a_row games to test if this restart bug was fixed.
So hopefully your AV here will help Nathan get rid of that bug...



I ran into that bug twice during testing.  Both games had bots in them.  When I AVed, it was in the first game.  I tried to avoid multiple games in a row just to reduce the number of AVs and out of habit.  I doubt that AV has anything to do with multiple games being hosted in a row.  If you can, find a way to reproduce the AV.  That way it can get fixed, if the rumors aren't true.  If they are, there isnt anything that can be done.