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1.3 future

Started by PhoeniX-FlamE, March 08, 2004, 04:12:11 PM

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not talking about what bugs will be fixed or that related stuff....

this is just if some1 can tell us where is nathan? what was with the few posts i saw about nathan leaving? if he left did he leave last message on private boards? can some1 confirm whats going on?

and if nathan left, what about ken? ive noticed he only have around 20 posts... and last was hmmm very long ago...

whats gonna happen to 1.3? are any other modders/codders gonna take it if nathan and ken left?
is there any point replying on new found bugs anymore? :s


We have no idea.  There is no post in the private board about him leaving.  He, like Lizard, probably got sick and tired of the behavior of some of the members in this community.  Whether he will come back or not is unknown.  Maybe he'll come back after taking some time off, if not, this will probably be the last patch for bz2.


I personally think that after all the time and work that Nathan put into 1.3 he deserves a vacation.

Really, there were days when there were three or four sub-builds THAT DAY.  Usually on weekends when the rest of the world was out having fun.



really who can blame him if he doesnt return?


It would be nice if we could show our appreciation in ways other than words. I'd be happy to kick in a buck if I thought there were enough of us to get a wad together.


I remember some of those days Avatar.  I feel responsible for some of those days since I would send in save games that would AV.  A few of those days were caused by me sending in save games that would AV  bz2, then I would find a new AV so the process would start over.

I agree that GSH deserves a vacation.  Personally I wouldn't blame GSH if he decided to never come back.  I would probably make the same decision if people blamed me and personally attacked me because of changes that I WAS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR.  Notice the capitalization for those that blame GSH for the current physics.  GreenHeart's sticky thread does the best job at explaining who did what during the patch development.