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Scion Rights!

Started by AcneVulgaris, March 07, 2004, 10:30:49 PM

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Quotewell you said it... and blink isnt perfect, ive often lost my warrior with under 5 life from blinking into a mountain. if anything it makes you conserve ammo more.

hehe, but how many times would you die without blink?

x50 more times then without blink

QuoteSo what you are saying is that its not fair that scions are "so much stronger" endgame than isdf, making a new hi tech building wont help at all

QuoteI was playing fortress map with a friend. It took 10 secounds for a isdf tank to kill a standard none shielded warrior with sp stab... never had a chance until we put stasis shields on.
why would u build a non shielded warior?

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

QuoteSo what you are saying is that its not fair that scions are "so much stronger" endgame than isdf, making a new hi tech building wont help at all

Thats taken out of context. This is how i would think about solving the problem of Blink being so powerful.

Replace the 'current' blink with Arc Mine (very scion).

Make blink harder to get. I.e., make it harder to reach up the tech tree.

As in , make a new scion building whos only purpose is to let the armour drop off blink.

And! To make sure that people do not still have the abilty to arm ships with blink if this structure goes down, rig it so that the armour can drop off 'blink' crates for 40 scrap, but the forge cannot 'pre build' units with blink.

This would make scions have a fairer weapon when the enemy has its base fully made. It would give the scion commander the stratigical choice of either rushing-to-blink, or concentrating on taking them out 'now' with maulers or whatever else he has at his disposial.

It would mean Scions would *still have blink*. But it would much harder to reach and harder to actually get onto the ships..

And! to make the building that allows them to drop of 40 scrap crates, they need FOUR pools, minimum.

Edit: Or one could make it so instead of having to make another building. One could say it costs 105 scrap to upgrade the Stronghold (scion armoury). and this new stronghold can give blink.


it doesnt metter... just gives the isdf more time to fight back IMO, once sicons will get that blink they won (almost) the game


I honestly think if blink was crate-only with a huge price (I'd say about 80 scrap per crate), it would be fine. Maybe make it require a stronghold and an overseer array...
After all, if an ISDF team *really* concenrates they can kill a blink warrior, they just lose 2-3 tanks doing so. If the blink warrior is worth 145 scrap, then this would be fine IMO.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I think that would be a good solution, Making it 'crate only' based is v importaint IMO. Making that crate cost 80 would also be nice.

And i am suprized it is not already up at the top of the tech tree. In hind sight perhaps my suggestion was a little OTT.

Then again, what hope do 3 isdf players have to take down 3 blink-equiped warriors.

with your suggestion its 80 scrap for each warrior to get blink.

What can the ISDF spend 240 scrap on that would be equal to the advantage that the scion warriors now have blink?


i realy think not, once the 1st blink warior out the isdf team just 'give-up', they fight till the end - ya
but its just "oh great, here comes the blink warior"

as i said in my last post... it will just give the isdf more time to kill the scion base before they are doomed

and scion scouts are still darn good (with arc / sonic)
just get your whole team in full scouts and ull get the scrap for blink with NP at all...

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Not nessearily. A good team will say '' crap! they have blink! '' and their top-tech (by now) sabres will go in strict packs of 3, perhaps with AI Missile scout escorts. Thats how i would do it. the 1.3 AI missile scouts are quite good, and they would provide the hitting power /anti absorbtion that would be enough to make the isdf stand a chance.


im talking about thinking, not realy saying =)

hehe ai missile scout? the cmdr might get in missile scout, dont think AI is any good.. one run of blinking warior = bye bye msl scout, and the AI is preaty dumb :lol:

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

This is 1.3 , AI missile scouts are fairly good. They fire lots of missiles, they would be*escorting* the blast tanks.
so the scions would probably be facing 2 humans and a minimum of 2 AI shadower missile scouts.


rainbow it with a scout / warior

besides, it costs quite alot of scrap


I'd just "hyperspace" blink...

Think "Asteroids" and you'll know what I mean.


For you young'uns that don't remember Asteroids I'll explain.    :D   "Hyperspace" made you blink out of one spot and a short time later appear somewhere else (not always a safe place).  Thing was, there was always a chance of blowing up on reentry...

So, give BZ2's "Blink" the same setup.  Say, maybe, a 10% chance of losing your ship each time you use it.

Exciting, NO?  LoL...


(I think MAG should be the same way, btw...)



Quotei realy think not, once the 1st blink warior out the isdf team just 'give-up', they fight till the end - ya
but its just "oh great, here comes the blink warior"
I personally snipe like hell. Last time I was in a game where blink was allowed and the scions managed to tech up there, I sniped 2 blinking warriors, hoping to eventually get one for each teammember.
If blink increased the cost of a warrior by 80 scrap, and required 2 pools to get it, it would have proven much more difficult for those players...

With some more thought... 80 scrap isn't much more than a spire, and is still reachable with 2 pools. I'd rather see blink crates at 100 scrap, so that building blink is a big problem.


In my opinion, blink gives scions a huge advantage over ISDF. (that is if you know how to use it)  But, if you think about it, the people at Pandemic who made this game made it so that the odds for Scion and ISDF would some how be even.  We have made FE and the patches and have tampered with a couple things but the concept is still the same.  ISDF VETS vs Scion VETS = a pretty even fight.  Sure, in the beginning ISDF might win pool fights but scion will eventually catch up.  Then comes the issue of Blink.  Scion pilots who know how to use blink will prob. wipe out a good amount of ISDF ships before actually getting destroyed themselves.  ISDF can retalliate in some ways but it is difficult.  That is why i think that IT IS A GOOD IDEA to raise the scrap cost of Blink. (I doubt this will ever happen though)IMO, it would make odds somewhat more balanced.


QuoteISDF VETS vs Scion VETS = a pretty even fight.
Without blink, this is certainly the case. arc/gauss is better than blast/chain. maulers are the best game winner of all the units, bombers always fail to hit a base against good players.

WITH blink the opening fights belong to the ISDF, the early-mid game is even, and the late-mid and late-game are almost gauranteed wins for scions. Scions should have the same advantage in the late game as ISDF have at the start, but blink prevents that.


how many ships did your team lose before u sniped the wariors DF?

anyways, once arc hits the field scions can keep pools with np

arc scouts with absro are just killers, fast agile and strong
it will be np to keep 3 pools till blink comes... and when blink comes - doesnt metter anymore how much it 'costed' u still got it