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Scion Rights!

Started by AcneVulgaris, March 07, 2004, 10:30:49 PM

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Quote from: PhoeniX-FlamE
QuoteThe titan is the Scion equivelent of the Attila walker, and the Mauler is the equivlent of the Bulldog/rocket tank.

when it comes to damage/armour values/tactical value.

true dat...

just one tactical value ill dissagree on...

Maulers are great for advancing and attacking, but when advancing with rctk tanks, they just get slaughtered. I prefer them to help defend a turret before i can get gts up.


Never question Mr. Green!! :mrgreen:


Perhaps Scions should have a bomber.


They do, its multi purpose, doesnt need to go back to base every time it attacks, is pilotable by humans, and is called the archer.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

and it cannot be deployed behind defences to anilihate the enemy.


especially if the enemy is getting ready for a tank rush :mrgreen:


Scion and isdf are pretty well matched.  They both have advantages and dis advantages over each other.  In my opinion, i like the archer better than the bomber.  It can hide, doesn't need to go back to base, and shoots mortars.  bombers are a bit too easy to destroy because they are flying right above your head.  ISDF has some other advantages over scion though.  Basically, one can counter against the other.  They are evenly matched if u look at it the way i am.  I won't go into much detail cuz right now i am on VACATION!! :twisted:


ISDF beats the scion in power everytime.... Please include the fury bomber by default.....

The archers much like the morter bike.


the balance comes in early compared to late games...

isdf has absoultly no chance to win vs scions in late games unless a succesful pummel rush or preaty mid game when scions aint fully done yet and didnt control field yet if u manage to get ALOT of the big units...

which will be probably fail as well...
if walkers have assult instead of combat with blast isdf will be able to match the scions and drive them back preaty neatly...

since 1 blast shot from walker (FE - assult cannons) gets warior to red.. few more chains or even 2 lasers will kill a warior... (or a blast from nearby tank that following the walker)


ISDF beat scion in the early game, scion beat ISDF later on, even wiithout blink.
*WITH* blink, scions are completely overpowered. When playing highly-competitive games, such as pre-arranged clan games, we try to do mixed races, preferably isdf v isdf, isdf v scion, scion v scion, and scion v isdf. In the mixed-race games, I've noticed scions winning far more than ISDF, which is the reason I started banning the use of blink when I host games.

Since banning blink, the races have seemed perfectly well-balanced.
And before anyone accuses me of being too hard with the ban, know that I'm a *huge* scion fan, and strongly dislike the ISDF. If you're having trouble winning when using scions, get out of the early game asap, rather than wasting scrap on lots of empty scouts which will all be butchered, Since you'll lose the early dogfights against ISDF players that switch between minigun and FAF well. Try to get to either quill scouts with deflection shields, or gauss sentries with stasis shields, for a foothold (gauss/stasis sentries work better against laser scouts, deflection/scouts work best against chainguns). Trying to get stasis scouts or deflection sentries will leave you open too long, and chains will wreck your chances. You then have the choice between teching to maulers, or arc/gauss warriors, either of which will typically win you the game against most ISDF players, whether you're playing FE, 1.2, or 1.3.

Saying scions need more powerful weapons seems strange to me, as does saying that the archer is better than the bomber. If I was making a race to win all games, I'd choose the bomber over the archer any day. I'd also pick scions over ISDF any day.

Oh - and re: Assault blast, it's still nothing incredible against absorbtion warriors, which are the standard against ISDF. FE and 1.2 *do* help walkers with that assault blast, but they also help scion archers, balancing the ISDF assault somewhat.


you gotta rememeber that FE game that we let acer and apcs cmding...

the walker did preaty nice.. i ran out of ammo and not enough trucks - thats why we lost it... i killed few scouts and few wariors with NP at all... they had absro & blink...


Yeah Pheonix - FE walkers are quite good, and they're the very best units in the game for countering serviced base assaults (250m assault blast to snipe out service trucks).
For an attack they're not too bad, but any experienced tactician worth his salt will have you countered on the double.

Oh, are you sure your attack failed because of trucks and ammo? I was certain it was more to do with flame mines, but I might be thinking of a different game.
Either way, I don't deny dual-blast walkers are great, I just still don't think they beat assault tanks in the attacking.


u were scions... u stole aougly scout at start and had gauss stinger scout

was on plaza... ur talking about a difrent game =)
a mauler killed me when i had no ammo, before it got close to me it was half accutly...


Ah yes, I remember the game now. The walker was indeeed doomed - not enough trucks, no defense against mauler attacks, on a map with plenty of water, and spotted way too early. Your wingmen were too eager to leave you alone too. In fact, it was one of the weakest mauler attacks I've ever witnessed, I'm sure I've seen you personally do a much better job with a walker on moonshroud before.

APCs r evil

Quote from: PhoeniX-FlamEa mauler killed me when i had no ammo

THAT WAS ME THAT WAS ME THAT WAS ME!!!  It was so much fun to run behind you and put Fangs in your ass, you should have seen the look on your ass :mrgreen: