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Scion Rights!

Started by AcneVulgaris, March 07, 2004, 10:30:49 PM

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Welcome to the looney bin, always room for one more...   ;)

First off, there's a few FAQ's floating around here in the various boards.  Read them before you go nuts with questions.

The main thing for THIS board is testing the 1.3 Beta Patch.  Install Battlezone II, then use this patch, then get out there and play!  Come back here if something goes wrong and tell us what happened...



Quote from: BulDoghi guys. i'm new here can you tell me all what i need to konow :oops:

One thing to look at would be the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):


loosing 1 of 4 bik4s to a spire? i would image all the bikes die. after the first shot the spire wont miss.. its 2 hits to kill each bike..

as to why the head bob is out... both request and as a FIX.. READ THE CHANGE LOG MORONS

Why i said clueless noobs is some not so vetskilled players Your average talk alot furom hanging 1.3 tester felt certain head bob was stolen from them.. never knowing(due to being FAR beyond there time) that it was offically out...

sad to call youself vets seeing as your want head bob back not to put your lowly selfs on a even playing field with a begginer or what not.. since adapting to the impurities and exploits of battlezone is what u think makes your great... Laff :D

the only threat the the community in bz2 is themselfs :o

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

wtf are you talking about scout with reguard to mauler?

The 'new and improved' mauler feels like your riding a damn BIKE, where as before hand it felt like you were

Also, the newer maulers are stratigically identical to the old ones, meaning the changes were purely graphical.

And now they suck....

i dont care if it is 'in the change log' or 'if it was a bug that needed fixing'...it nothing like flying, and it was a bad idea to remove it in the first place.

I say the mauler should be given back what it was like in 1.2. It was PERFECT in 1.2.

And no i did not protest against flying or any of the other exploits removed. I have long been against all forms of exploit. But how the *Ammo* is a head-bobing mauler a damned exploit?!?

it was COOL. I did not give any definate advantage, and it was FUN. It felt GREAT...and noone..not ONCE ever complained about the head bob! it was an accidental thing that got inculded, and was found to be really fantastic. Hell, i did not even know it was a bug!


Quote...since adapting to the impurities and exploits of battlezone...

ITS A HEAD BOB. What the HELL are you on about? it is infact if you think about it, a DISADVANTAGE to the player pioleting the mauler....stratigically...

god it felt cool, and now it is *Ammo*ing RUINED. I am so angry at this!


Quote from: Jwk the Hemp Monkey

The 'new and improved' mauler feels like your riding a damn BIKE, where as before hand it felt like you were

RocketmanX dubbed them "Cockroach Ponies".  Not so grand a moniker...but in a similar vein.

I never could drive them from first person without getting severely ill...so I don't miss the jerking. It did always bother me that the inside jerking never really matched up with the outside animation....

I do sympathize with your POV...it was something that made the mauler even more unique...but I like them better now.  I wouldn't scream if they were put back the old way though.

A bit of advice:   If you want to retain even the small chance of them getting changed back, try to speak about it in a more positive light.  When you say they suck, a programmer reading your post will read it as "my work sucks", and probably react with "no it doesn't...therefore HempMonkey is a rude idiot...screw him!"


Quotea programmer reading your post will read it as "my work sucks", and probably react with "no it doesn't...therefore HempMonkey is a rude idiot...screw him!"
The programmer would be very wrong - Hemp is an incredibly civil human being, almost unnaturally so.


Get a grip dude, it's BETA. Some of you guys really need to look up what that means before you proceeed to swear and moan and go apehoot. It's also a trivial alteration and easy to put it back, can be done in Notepad if you are that desperate.

A little head bobbing on a walker is a good thing, but walking a mauler in 1.2 was way too bumpy and added nought except the potential for seasickness (running was better tho - like going from trot to gallop on a horse). What 1.3 BETA mauler loses in character it makes up for in user-friendliness.

And in case you missed it the first hundred times: it's BETA. Keep ya pants on FFS.


Quote from: DarkFox
The programmer would be very wrong - Hemp is an incredibly civil human being, almost unnaturally so.

Well, he's getting a bit natural over this bobbing thing.   :lol:

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Why thank you dark fox for the compliment heh. However, i personally think having seasickness inducing charastitics in the mauler is a sign of charactor :D

I dont think the mauler should be too 'user friendly'. It is a very powerful unit

QuoteIt did always bother me that the inside jerking never really matched up with the outside animation....

Thats a good point. How about we make a comprimise.

We link the head shell with the body in such a way that it bobs , actually bobs and then leave it at that. As a result the 'charging horses of doom' would have even more character, and look good. It should be tried out IMO.

Also, the new ones seem to lose all their momentum at even the slightest bit of terrain getting in their way. Has anyone else noticed this?


"i personally think having seasickness inducing charastitics in the mauler is a sign of charactor"

thank god you have no direct influence on the way games come out.. Whew!

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Graphical affects such as that are often seen as great in-games. AvP and AvP2 for example...when you 'wall walk' as an alien your vision shifts radically according to what wall you are on, its great!.

And so was the mauler head bob.


Yes teh mauler does bump into the terrain to much.

The head bob was ok but I would go for slight reduction in its jurky ness

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

No that kind of suggestion sounds good, there should be some 'jerky ness'....

it is a 5 legged beast traveling at high speed, its not ever going to be a 'smooth ride'. And the bobing should hinder aim somewhat whilst running, it looks good..and scion assault cannon types are all close range anyway.


As for the mauler being slowed down easy... i agree.  Even somewhat shallow inclines will sometimes bring it back down to its "trot".  

One nice thing that I noticed, tho I don't know if they meant to do it....  Sometimes in 1.2 when the mauler would go over a bump and fly into the air, it would stop galloping and go back to troting in midair!  Sometimes I would avoid getting air so I wouldn't slow down.  In 1.3 that doesn't happen anymore (as far as I know), the mauler keeps galloping in the air so when it hits the ground it continues to move fast.  I like this feature.  I don't if anyone even noticed or if its an issue but I thought it was nice.  

As for the "head bob", I agree with hemp, it made the mauler more realistic.  If the walker is galloping and the whole body is going up and down.... then shouldn't the head as well?  If it doesn't get changed back I won't mind too much, but i agree it was pretty cool.  The only reason I wouldn't change it back is if it makes the AI miss.  Human players can always adapt, but the AI is another story.  I don't think it caused any problems with the AI tho....... so my vote is to change it back.


the m1a1 can be doing 60 mph over roguht terrain and the barrel will remain at the angle regardless. Its really a mute point much like people arguing over ships using air jets or gravametric repulsion to stay in the air.

The head bob is so bad in 1.2 many people dont drive it because it would make them ill, now I have nerves of steel, I can look through binoculars in a moving vehical and not get sick, so the mauler head bob did not effect me but having one of the main units of the scion race making people ill when they drive is going a little far I feel.