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scion turret price change...

Started by DarkFox, March 08, 2004, 02:18:14 PM

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I was just posting here to mention and discuss the recent change in turret price for scions. Scion turrets have now come down in price, from the previous 45 scrap, to 40 scrap, in line with ISDF turrets.
The justification behind this was that scions could build turrets more quickly for their much-needed base defense.

I'm not sure how much study was done before this change was brought about, but I believe that the fact that a scion player starts with 2 guardians as opposed to ISDF starting with 2 turrets is already more than good enough, without the price decrease.

For those that don't know, iongun2, the default weapon in a guardian, does very close to *twice* the damage that a turret's minigun does, and has the same range. The iongun 2 only falls to the minigun against heavy armour, and even then a good commander can use hold position, it's not like the things will *ever* run out of ammo. Furthermore, a scion guardian has 2750 health, as opposed to 2500 of a turret, which comes in very useful when solar flares are employed.

I believe that scion guardians should have their price increased to the previous 45 scrap. Please discuss...


And let me just add that iongun2 deals 500 damage/sec while assualt chain (the ones in the turrets) deal 300 damage/sec to scouts.

Then add iongun's high spread and you have a super-turret. Even in 1.2, scion turrets are greatly superior than isdf turrets simply because of their spread.

Scion turrets should be 45.


i do believe the change in price resides in the fact That 2 pools you never go into green, meaning its more than easy under the same circumstances

isdf can mass produce turrets

the very fallacy of bz2s resource system, favoured so much by u noobs :D

Dirty Rooster

In what way/patch/mod/timescale has a guardian gone
down in price to 40 scrap??

The public 1.3 beta has 45scrap guardians.

Are you saying 'recent change in turret price' in relation to
a soon-to-be-released patch to the 1.3 beta??


Screenshot from 1.3 multiplayer game...


3 audio channels? That's harsh :) I use 63 and check my FPS, its always topped in the charts at like 150. And notice how he uses 640x480, for those who are talking about the icon sizes and F11 and F12.


Seems to me I saw that somewhere, but can't remember where.  Was it the Recy variant?

I can't find any mention of it in the changelog but the darn thing's huge...



IMO, it's a good thing, that Scions are now able to build sentry turrets without a pool, for otherwise, they often wouldn't have a chance to turn the game around again when they need def and have loads of loose lying next to base but have no pools left.

My recommendation would be simple:
I think, it would be fair, if the turrets the rec is configured to build at startup remain costing 40 scrap each, but are equipped with a weaker version of their weapon, but can be reconfigured to IonII without any tech-tree requirements, then costing 45 scrap again  - shouldn't be too much work to apply those changes ...
What do you think about that?


Quote from: Speedy3 audio channels? That's harsh :) I use 63 and check my FPS, its always topped in the charts at like 150. And notice how he uses 640x480, for those who are talking about the icon sizes and F11 and F12.

UGugugahahg PLZL p!?+ <personal overflow>

I used to use 3 channels in 1.2, but now in 1.3 I've tried it out with 6 and it's pretty playable still. Can't say I can get such a bit framerate that DF gets though, but then again I'm using 800x600 :)


Quote---- 1.21 beta 11 released
Reduced scrap cost of the Scion Guardian from 45 to 40, allowing it
to be built without any Extractors.  This may be a mistake.  [Ken]
Looks like this happened WAAAAAAAY back. Just for pulic reference, the Public Beta 1 is equivalent to a private build 1.3 b62.

Dirty Rooster

Oh my oh my, I forgot it wasn't changed back to 45 during my
time in testing. Doh.

Good to mention it now, maybe get something done about it.


I have yet to see a game where turrets last any langth of time unless coverd by at least one other turret and a gun tower. Infinit hover my be gone but arcing turrets is still %99 or more as effective as it was in 1.2.

BZ FeebleEffort

You see whart happened in there?...Changes got made, many were not even discussed, then when we did discuss them....ahhh....nevermind, that ship has sailed...

as far as the price change, this is precisely the kind of thing experienced Scion players should be commenting on, and I never play Scion, I opt to keep my mouth shut this (one) time.


@ SilverBird: And I think that's exactly the way it's supposed to be ^^
Anyway, no comments about my proposal?


Quote from: BZZERKER
Quote---- 1.21 beta 11 released
Reduced scrap cost of the Scion Guardian from 45 to 40, allowing it
to be built without any Extractors.  This may be a mistake.  [Ken]
Looks like this happened WAAAAAAAY back. Just for pulic reference, the Public Beta 1 is equivalent to a private build 1.3 b62.
[/size]Hehe, see that?  Even Ken was reluctant of the change.