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scion turret price change...

Started by DarkFox, March 08, 2004, 02:18:14 PM

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i totaly agree with DF
i also dont find how few gurdiends will help you if u have no pools... if the enemy got u to zero pools and ur def is weak i dont find why a 1 should build a rat.. never saw a game where the cmdr have full scrap with no pools and building rattler...

gurdiens are better and should cost more...


As a scion fan I love the change, but as ISDF loyalist I think it kind of unbalances... mini-rat is alot weaker than ion-guardian, so I think it should cost more..


Yes, zero pools = lost game!  It seems that the original rationale was correct on the pricing, as corroborated in this thread.


On one hand the guardians are more powerful, on the other hand if you start with no pool (which is sort of rare I think) you have no meens to build one (and with only 1 pool, ISDF can get GT up, while Scion cannot get GS so its a good thing for guardians to be better).

What would be the impact of:

- having the Matriarch's  own max reserve (slugish green bar) be 45? (how big an advantage would that be? would it be a uber advantage thoughout the game?)

{as it is now with 45 is not too bad because theres not many maps where you cant get one single pool}


those are some great ideas, although i think it'll be best to just put the gurdiens back to 45 :p

i mean.. does it disturb any1 that it cost 45? the a idea sounds realy good... but i dont know how will it  affect the game... and it doesnt sound like it metters to much... only to allow you build a gurdien?
with one pool ull still wont be able to build a spire :roll:

Dirty Rooster

Ice Wendigo has come up with a testable and perhaps
brilliant proposal.

Increase Matriarch green-scrap zone to 45 from normal 40,
enough for a guardian at 45.
This presupposes the guardian price is restored to 45 from
the insufficiently discussed current 40.

With one pool scions still can't get a spire (20+45=65) which
is as it should be.

A possible problem is in the odf/code, I don't know if the
matriarch scrap storage can be modified on its own.
Anyone know??

This is TESTABLE..


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't 65 the ugraded warrior's cost?

And thats a bad idea. Giving scions 5 extra scrap is giving them 2 scavs and 2 pods. ISDF doesn't get that pod advantage.

Dirty Rooster

...if the Matriarch starts a strat with 45 that'd be a bad idea,
but why should it??


I thought that the starting scrap was 40, no matter what storage has avail. Thus, increasing storage wouldn't give them 2 scavs and 2 pools right off. It would, instead, give them 5 scrap storage space right away that wasn't filled.



That is correct, the dll would only fill it with 40 unless a certain ivar was changed.


Straight from strategy02.cpp (stock) found in the 1.3 DLL pack, line 280:

That means they will be filled up with 40, no matter what.

EDIT: I don't see any ivar variable that changes the default scrap in the DLL. However, I noticed that ivar7 is disabled. That means a future BZNES could not have the starting vehicle features as its disabled by the 2 turret thing. That is unless a new strategy DLL is made for it...


I could have sworn an ivar could adjust the starting scrap... mabye its for mpi...


the best will be start with 40 while having stoarge for 45... cause if they will start with 5 bouns scrap it can change the whole start... mastering scav mangment and 1 being better then other is just metter of seconds..
10 secs can make a big difrence

starting scrap should be 40 while the storage itself 45

how does that sound? hmm
now that i think about it - with what speedy brought up...
good point speedy... scions get an advantge for building warior.. and warior costing 70 is kinda ridicilous i think...


I would suggest more games before we try and fix a fix for a fix.

BZ FeebleEffort

Silver is right, thats how some of these problems got started.