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Opinions on the Sentry

Started by IceWendigo, March 04, 2004, 02:20:45 PM

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Dirty Rooster

Good post bzzerker.

On that note, how about ;
Increasing forward speed to FASTER than the scout,
but strafing far less.

We tried giving Sentries light armour in FE rev.B, but they
were just too good in human hands when given a shield too.

I still think 3 guns is too extreme!! That is 50% more

Der Vampyr Engel

Whaddya mean it's stupid Dirty Rooster? The Sentry, as it is is weak and inffectual as it is,  it is only useful with other units, on it's own it's a nothing unit, not only that it was ME who suggested making it faster, along with others, so what if it has a cannon, what 's so bloody stupid about that huh? and also, if you bothered to read anything I SAID WAS if you don't wish to put cannons on it then simply  leave the 2 guns, add 1 rocket point, keep the mines and the specials, make it as fast as ISDF Scout.

Then it is the equivalent of the ISDF Scout,  and then at least it would be useful, so what the *Ammo* is wrong  with that HUH?
Besides adding more guns to it would make it actually useful instead of a bullet catcher


I've always looked at the Sentry as a mobile Turret, though the only time I really used them was in MPI, and that was just for variety. I think low\no RADAR sig. would be a nice touch. Then you could quickly deploy them to ambush sites around your base.


look, i dont think we should change units by giving them more / other wepons.. espicely a main one like cannon... sentries were made to be with GUNS not cannons...
look, we dont need to mod the units that badly, its just a patch.. not a mod ;)

and also... sometimes u gotta let go...
few people said its stupied already, not everything we come up with is great...
i dont think i saw any1 support the idea of a cannon (or maybe there was 1?) but all others ignoring.. maybe its just a bad idea.. not all our ideas are good and perfact... sometimes u gotta let go...

Der Vampyr Engel

Yeah Yeah :x look just make the damn unit eqivalent to the goddamn ISDF scout , put a but a stealth on it and leave it at that then


It's true they have +50% firepower but I also gave them -50% health  :-) . If you mess with them long enough they will be very balanced.

@DVE: The point is not only will it look to ISDF like but it would change the very nature of the sentry, maybe you don't care but others do.

Dirty Rooster

Engel still writes stupid stuff.
Cannon or rocket on a sentry?? Duh... Not a Sentry anymore.

You reinforce my opinion engel.

I'd like to see a sensibly modified  Sentry slotted into
the experimental 'vet' Recy by Aegeis so we can try it out.


Der Vampyr Engel - The idea of sticking a missile hardpoint on a sentry is even *stupider* than your cannon idea, if that's possible.
If you've bothered to actually check the racial weapons, you'll realise that *1* scion missile hardpoint is roughly equivalent to *2* ISDF missile hardpoints, not to mention the *huge* morphed damage potetial you're giving this vehicle should it cycle with swarm and gauss.

Take a good look at scion guns, you'll quickly realise that ionguns do *400* damage per second to scouts, whereas ISDF miniguns do only 220 to sentries/scouts. Furthermore, iongun2 does *500* damage to scouts, which is absolutely *huge*.
Going further in the tech tree, the gauss gun not only does more damage/second than the chaingun (400 vs 320), it is also instant-travelling, and significantly longer range, long range enough to edge kill turrets, which makes it almost impossible to escape from. Assault gauss, of course, is the scion equivalent of shadower missiles, serving a very similar function.

I'm of the opinion that the sentry doesn't quite have enough health, and that the only tweak that's the slightest bit appropriatte is a little boost to their health to compensate for the fact that they're such large targets.
This talk of increased firepower is stupid - they already have bucketloads of the stuff, if you bother actually looking at SCION guns as opposed to just calling any gun a gun..

Bottom live - scion guns are better than ISDF guns, scion missiles are better than ISDF missiles.
Excuse me for the strong opinions here, but DVE just wont give up.

Der Vampyr Engel

Hey Dark Fox NO IT ISN'T STUPID, I SUPPOSE STICKING A ROCKET ON THE BLOODY ISDF SCOUT MUST BE EQUALLY AS STUPID THEN HUH?, And I am sure that you can simply tone down the power of the bloody rocket so it is not too powerful in normal mode then it becomes as powerful as the ISDF FAF, satisfied NOW? .

So it balances out, also you give the Sentry  a Scion eqvialent of the ISDF FAF, alos maybe the Ion Cannon 2 does quite a bit of damage to the ISDF Scout BUT HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE GOING TO STUPIDLY GOING TO SAY TO THEMSELVES" LET ME MORPH AND USE THE ION CANNON 2 WHILE I HAVE 2 FAST SCOUTS USING MY SENTRY FOR A BULLET CATCHER, ESPECIALLY AS I WILL BE GOING LIKE A TORTISE ON SLEEPING PILS'S, SO I CAN'T STRAFFE VERY WELL, CAN'T MOVE FAST IF I GOT ONE ON MY TAIL, STILL I GOT REALLY POWERFUL GUNS"  :x YEAH RIGHT THERE IS A REASON SENTRIE'S MORPH WHEN THEY ATTACK A SCAVENGER, you tone down the power of the rocket,  speed the Sentry up,and if you need to, turn the power of the ion guns in  in normal mode down or in special mode, although why you would need to do something like that really escapes me,

Der Vampyr Engel

Hey Dirty Rooster , it's called inproving the goddamn unit and it would have use, I don't particularly think any of youre suggestions are that witty either , just as bloody stupid, "but thst just my opinion"


omg DVE
1. chill

its democracy, your ideas sound ridicouls to all exept yourself, no1 will kill you for that but u can not expect us to like it

DF is one of the people that knows a hell of alot about units speed, armors and gun powers... he knows it all... i wonder if you do him a quizz.. he'll probably be the wisest...

now relax and try to understand your idea is not going to work
sometimes u gotta give up... this is one of those times


Let me enlighten you a bit about the power of combat Ion Gun, compared to ISDF guns. Keep in mind that an ISDF scout has 1800 HP at no-armor.

Damages are in HP/sec.
             Ion Gun   Ion Gun II   Minigun   Chain Gun
Range:        100       150          105       135
No-Armor:     *400*     500          *220*     *320*
Light-Armor:  200       300          160       240
Heavy-Armor:  20        100          100       240
Building:     20        100          100       300
Stasis:       200       300          160       160
Deflection:   400       500          100       100
Absorbtion:   20        100          200       200


And let me add on to that. With perfect weapon cycling, an ISDF minigun/faf can hope for 370 damage/sec on no-armor. Ion gun deals 400 without switching.

Der Vampyr Engel

then you mght as well leave it as it is, because I an't really see the point in toning down the power of the guns, to me , that makes no goddamn sense, anyway, I shall agree to disagree and go my own way, I'm outta here