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Bug: "tracked physics going bezerk"

Started by GJC, March 11, 2004, 02:48:48 PM

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Just had this type of crash the second time, once in a 3way FFA (2xISDF + 1xScion) and a minute ago in a MPI (ISDF vs ISDF). Sometimes I can still chat (and leave via /leave), then again I cant.

Edit: when the crash happens, it seems like all players get lifted high into the sky. Sometimes I could still hear my thrusters, sometimes not, but moving out of this misery wasnt possible.


I've had that happen twice. That first time it happened, was that game, where there were alot of APCs.

You would have to aks Aegeis how many there were, It didn't seem like too many.


I've been trying to reproduce this AV in instant action so I could get a save game to send to GSH.  I'm not sure if I should bother now since a lot of the complaints seemed to have chased him off along with Lizard and Red Devil.  

More information on what is going on when the bug occurs would be nice.  When you get the crash, what units are used?  How many of each are there, and what are the units told to do?  It is better to provide too much info than not enough info.


The two games where the bug happened to me were totally different. I dont recall what exactly was happening in detail when the crash occured but there certainly wasnt anything special going on, nor anything similar in both games which could have been a hint.


Which maps were you playing on when you got the error?  Did you have any treaded units on the map when the error occured?  The error says tracked physics but I just want to make sure treaded units were on the map.  Mention both maps, that way I know what maps to look at.


Maps were the one 3way ScrapPit2 (with Giguana and Aegeis) and the other one was MPIground0. Of course in both games were lots of scavs. As for other treaded units, on ScrapPit I had none and I dont know how many had Gig or Aeg. In the MPI I had no treaded units and I dont know how many the AI had. Both crashes happened about 15 minutes into the game. Yesterday I played the MPIground0 map again and finished it with no crash.


I managed to reproduce this error. But I did so by total accident.......I made this new ship - its classlabel is "wingman" but it looks like an aircraft and I gave it a hover altitude of about 80m. The times when I got this error I had a quite few of these new ships hovering around dogfighting with mortar bikes.....:S

This happened in Alien Dunes Instant Action.


Create a save game when you get that error again.  Then e-mail it to GSH.  If GSH gets the error, he can possibly fix it.  My guess is that it is more Ken Code, so if you send it to me, I can e-mail it to Ken.  The files for the new ship and any custom assets will need to be sent with the save game.


Hmmmmmm - there are lots of custom assets that were in play at the time so sending all custom assets would be a major pain. I will remove all the other unrelated custom assets and see if I can get it to happen again.


Because this message is coded into the game, couldnt one who can access the code just look at what causes it and work backwards?  Or are there just too many possibilities?  It would probablly be easies if there was sont common element in all of these, which is probablly what it actually means (tracked physics going bezerk) Also, i think i may have experienced something like this, with going up in the air and being able to hear thrusters ect, but not getting the error message.  I was playing the greenheart map MPI FIRE in instant action, well, i was editing it.  There was a custon factory which could build all kinds of units (many submenues...think every unit in recyclers and factories...i was bored) and some custom ones that i downloaded.  I was in an aircraft unit (orion fighter i think) randomley flying around with infinite health and infinite ammo on, then I went up for a bit, god bored, pressed deploy a few times, suddently i was a pilot bouncing from one side of the map to the other extremley high in the air, i went across the map in under a second, then hit the playable edge, bounced back and kept going like that.  Eventually i stoped myself from moving (except from up and down) and let myself fall for a few min (got a snack) came back, it appeared that nothing had changed, and when i pressed escape and paused it,  saw what look a pilot going through spegitifiaction (happens as you near the event horizon of a black hole, pm me if ya want to know a bit more) and i couldnt hear antyhing.  I shot. no sound, i saw the shots, but only for a second (falling too fast) it also looked/felt like i had gotten stuck in the celing of the map, but im not sure if thats related.


I think there are too many possibilities.  I brought this bug up in the beta board, but I was told it would need to be reproduced for them to be able to figure out how to fix it.  I haven't been able to reproduce it yet.  If anyone else is able to, make a save game and e-mail it to GSH or Ken.  If you don't know their e-mail, send it to me and I'll e-mail it to them giving the creator credit.


A savegame is going to be required to fix this. Lots of extra assets are fine. But, something that has a guaranteed-blowup within 5 seconds of loading is what I want.

A divide-by-zero anywhere in the craft code is poison-- it spreads illegal values to every craft's position/velocity/etc. That message is just a symptom of the problem.


If it would be divide by zero then wouldnt that make the valuse infinite?  So if the people got shot into the sky, then wouldnt that meant the jump\main hover thrustors are the problem?  Yet, if they would be shot to the side of a map with infinite velocity, then would it have the same visual effect?  Can you go out of the boundries of the map (not edge_path the physical boundry where the ground ends) or underground?  Wouldnt you just be shot into a corner?  Just a few thoughts, im not sure if any of these ideas would work, but one of them may have a bit of value.  Then again, it could be more rantings of a fool...


/0 is nonesense, you can't distribute 2 sabres to 0 allies. My guess it would just crush the game.


How about 1 already in progress? I was just on IA Chill when I got 1. I was able to save after it started. Guaranteed to blow up on loading.