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(moderate suggestion) APC's and Bombers

Started by Jwk the Hemp Monkey, March 13, 2004, 05:32:59 AM

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Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Firstly, they make a 'deploying' noise when they drop down, not dissimilar to a turret noise :S.

perhaps this could be replaced with a 'jet engines breaking fall ' noise, that would be similar to a drop ship taking off, but higher pitched and not as loud.

ALso, single player, that mission where you have to get a crystal..on bane...and you do not have a rec.

i had destroyed the emnemy base and just about everything, but the strong hold was still standing. I sent in an APC to attack the strong hold lung, and the apcs went, deployed.....

and then the soldiors just stood their....right up against the strong-hold wall, doing nothing.

I have suggested inculding FE moddifications before....and i will again most likly, but it might be an idea to inculude the 'speeder bikes' from fe instead of having men with rocket launchers.


FE's speeders were good, but I like the "raining paratroopers" effect.   :D

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

lol, looks good, but speeders Imo would look even cooler.

Also, i someone tried that on me once, loads and loads of troops against me as scion.

First time got me by suprize....and then i morphed my arc tank...and lets just say there was the smell of bacon in the air  :twisted:

second time i just resin-clouded the lot of them.

Anyhow, having vechiles kind of makes more sense than having soldiors with just a rocket launcher.

Would also mean we might be able to make a modification where you could select from the factory what the speeders were armed with. Tag, normal rocket? Faf? Mabey even Shad.

Also it would mean, since they are vechiles, not 'walkers' that things like 'getting stuck in an enemy building youare ment to be attacking wouldnt happen. Are vechiles less laggy than walkers?


I like the raining pilots also, which is based on SoldierAltitude (no, not soldier attitude, hehe).  It gave them a better headstart.  Also, one advantage APC foot soldiers/rocketeers have compared to FE speeders were that the foot soldiers stayed mostly in one place.  The FE speeders kept moving around too much which meant they were likely to get stung by nearby defenses; whereas the foot soldiers stayed pretty close under their APC's which kept them from being targeted for awhile, as the defenses shot the APC ships first.


Speeders = FE
Pilots = Stock

Once I was in an archer happily shooting away at enemy units. The AI sent an APC at me which landed about 40m away on the top of the mountain. Well I saw it too late, tried undeploying but the soliders got me! Then they went for my pilot. The soldiers moved around to get a better shot, they even jumped! Having 4-5 bazooka guys vs. you is really fun cause they shoot at you and you gotta dodge the rockets. I sniped one in-air, pulsed another, and got killed by the 3rd.

APCs really rock now. If you see an APC, killing it should be your number one priority. Once the soldiers have killed their target, they start shooting at another, at least in my experience. Sending APCs into bases is really effective.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Fair enough.
The sound issue needs to be solved though.
Can we have one speeder and a few foot soldiers perhaps?
I really like the idea of been able to edit what the APC has within its bays :)

Mabey someone can edit it so that the troopers do not just 'pop' into existance, but come out of the rear door (there is one there, its ment to open and let them out apparently...the 'crashed' model of the apc clearly shows that there is a rear door and internal compartment). It would be a very stylish touch.

Also, being able to change what the troopers have weapon wise (if a speeder is inculded) would be great.

And....the bomber mabey as well? It could have different types of bombs.

Stock bomb, multipule smaller spread, Massive shockwave(some damage, good against tracked units and anything non firmly on the ground) etc etc.

Edit: another idea....Mabey there can be 'two' types of APC made. One with speeders, one with men on foot (but more of them). they would both be able to be stuck in the same 'F' team, and they would have slightly different roles....speeders being better at pool attack and ship-ship combat, and one being slightly better at base assault and hard to reach areas (e.g. scion archers)


I heard the bomber has a bombing animation that was never implemented by the programmers. Didn't the wings fold up and doors open on the bottom or something?

Tempest Storm

Yep, and the APC also has an animation for its door opening.

I think all of that stuff is unnessesary Hemp, although custom bombers would be good for MODs...some of that stuff isn't even possible anyway.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Fair enough, but i would still like to see two options in-game. APC with foot soldiors and APC with speeders.

Oh, and the speeders will also do the 'parratrooper' affect due to the edit that was in the change log...tthey now get launched at 50 m.

and the sound affect...GRR!! die!.


2 options can be cool, a 'new' unit

but scions will need some stuff as well... for balancing


Thats mod territory. Speeders are for FE. We're not trying to make 1.3 into FE.


Jwk the Hemp Monkey

well, I suggested Speeders as a quick and easy way to fix the bug where the deployed troops wont fire.....people said they liked on-foot troopers...so have both!


Ever noticed that front turret on the APC (on the bottom)? I always see it, but it never fires. Maybe add a minigun turret there or something just to spice up the APCs... wait... they owuldn't be APCs... more like gunships... oh well  :-D


Someone has already done that (years ago), but it's in a mod.