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(minor fix) Green and Yellow and red build squares

Started by Jwk the Hemp Monkey, March 14, 2004, 04:16:44 AM

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Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Firstly, new keys no longer activates them :( I can understand the removal of the Wire Frame mode...but what about the 'build area' modes.

I dont mind if they cannot be inculded, i would rather not have the green square mode except when im building...than have the abilty to unjustly see though walls and such or extend the viewing distance.

Also, is it possiable to have them 'blinking' in the same way as the current buildings?


simple way to see if something is buildable is just open up the builder menu and act like you want to build a power.


Speaking of this, I've noticed a shocking amount of the new maps which don't allow buildings to be placed on 'green' squares (the squares on the floor are green, but the building wireframe is red).

I suppose it's too late for this to be looked at, but it really irritates me that great maps like that purple ice map have so many base-building problems from this.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

One fix i suppose would be to take the exact hieight of the first pool, and thenmake sure that the rest of the base area matched it exactly, thats the main base-building false-green-square-causing thing ive noticed.


That's what usually does me in.   Now once I carve out some terrain I test-build a Base before considering it done.  I usually find a lot of smoothing needed as I lay out the buildings.

I also test-run the Scavs and Treaded units back and forth across the map, to make sure there won't be any stupid pathing problems.  (not stupid problems, stupid paths...)  :)
