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Account Deletion Request

Started by Red Devil, March 07, 2004, 03:18:01 PM

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QuoteAnd no false hopes, I wont piss off, Im no sissie like all those valuable closed beta members pissing off because they cant take to hear that some people dont like hovering being taken away.
Not much human vs. human testing occured because the only ACTIVE testers were mpi players.  We occasionally had some human vs. human strat games hosted by some of the RIP members.  The rest of the strat members disappeared shortly after joining.  A lot of them never even bothered to provide any feedback what so ever.

Even if a lot of the testers were mpi players, they contributed a lot.  GreenHeart provided several new maps for the patch, he helped reproduce some AVs so they could get fixed.  GreenHeart also helped collect certain features from different editors, then he combined those features into one editor.  This is the editor that came with 1.3.  I didn't do too much during the development other than testing and some simple asset changes.  I made the current MPI, ST, and FFA shell files.  I started with the original mpi shell file then I modified it to its current form.  I then applied those same changes to the strat and ffa shell files.  The old mpi shell only had one page, which was page two with a smaller starting forces list box.  The original didn't have the option for selecting the recycler.  Only strat and ffa had that option.  My version wasn't streamlined so GSH took my changes and modified the files to streamline them.   If you want to see what testers contributed a lot to the 1.3 patch, look through the changelog.  You'll see GreenHeart mentioned quite a few times.  You'll also see a few more members.

As for your "closed testers" not hosting games comment, I just got my computer running today after a system failure last week.  I couldn't host any games, even if I wanted to.  When I get some time, this will change.  I personally avoid most human vs. human games due to the reasons a few straters mentioned, the warp makes it more stressful than its worth.


if you agree with us that there is no human vs human players
(and computer is preaty much predictated at some point.. at ANY game...)
and human vs human can triple the fun why dont you listen to us.. those that play human vs human for more then 4 years in bz2...?

some of us arent good with words (ammm me...) and some are just jerks...
but im still playing, and still trying to change things.. the chosing rec for "vets" with the hover is a great idea! but why were u planning to take it away again? this just pissed me off..
other then that i fully agree with GJC

ppl like appel and others complain and still goes on...
and u just bitch at em.. (not all... like some of bitch at you)
im sure you dont like those that bitched at you
and the straters that left without being seen... but dont u see the signs then?
something is wrong with the strats.. human vs human... correctly we are negetive about it but we're still here , trying to improve it...
and when we found a way on our on u said u will take it away


Simple to ifx it so you can have fast ships that cant hover, simple enough. I'd rather be able to make ships that can travle quickly accross the map wihtout needed to worry whether their speed breaks the pyshics code.

I'm actually more worried about trying to pin point a cuase of the "warp" you get in some games but not others. but people seem to happy to flame everyone all day instead of actually getting a game in.


I'm not taking away a dang thing.  I didn't program ANY of the patch, I only contributed testing hours and minor assets.  I'm the one WHO STARTED THE EXPERIMENTAL RECYCLER PROJECT currently named THE VET RECYCLER.  I e-mailed the files to GreenHeart and he uploaded them.  After that, I told Aegeis he could continue the project.


i dont mind hover or no... i want 1.2 freedom feeling... 1.3 took that away :\


Yeh silver that warp has been and is still a problem, I wanted more 1.3 strats but had my rigs stolen b4 christmas and didnt get back into 1.3 testing until 2-3 weeks b4 the open beta. Also i thought it was maybe my 56k that 1.3 didnt like as many of the strat guys we tested with didnt make complaints about it like i did and do.

For the record the vet reccy is a good thing in my opinion but i am totally tired of all this bitching in the forums,
It's true we struggled to get the strat games up , a lot of the strat guys didnt like the physics so didnt test at all but in my opinion some input is better than none.
The hover subject was a null subject from the start so we didnt venture there and the speed of the ships manouver wasnt tweaked b4 release but things were busy and beta testers can only make comment and not alter the code.

Unfortunately some aspects that are good for mpi , instant and single player can have a negative effect on strat and as we all know mpi's are a different ballgame to a full blown strat battle.

For the record i have played several games with appel and he's one of the good guys in the strat arena "no comment about his posts as i havnt read them"

We need cohesion in here though the current atmosphere is bad and i can understand why it is putting people off playing bz2 or reading the board, gaming is meant to be fun and not a stress arena.

General Cooke

Why must there be so many fights here? No wonder Red Devil left...

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

QuoteYeah but seriously, this hoot has to stop. We are losing honourable men like lizard because of this pointless bitching. He should just keep his mouth shut.

Thats odd sponge, i thought the resentment was caused by GSH kicking him, not the actual disscussion itself, ho hum. I guess ill just have to make a satirical comic strip.


Hemp who are you talking about Lizard or FeebleEffort?  FeebleEffort was kicked from testing, Lizard wasn't.  The last post from lizard stated that he had no desire to make a mod for a bunch of whiners, pretty much.  His exact post was on the bz2md forums.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

That quote is from Sponge, And the victim who got kicked, as far as my knowledge goes, was appel.