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Great Sound !

Started by blewyn, March 15, 2004, 02:10:12 PM

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Hey well done on the sound chaps ! I just played 1.3 for the first time on my new monster PC - at 1280x1024 everything on full and 2x antialias, smooooth as baby's bottom.  Great to hear all the ingame chatter so clearly, and the 3D sound working so well.

1 question - does FE not work with 1.3 at all ?




Hey Blewyn!!!  How goes bro?

Once 1.3 is wrapped up, FE will be nmade compatible (I believe it's already being worked on somewhat for compatibility).


Not bad at all Mowerman, how about you ?

Just got hooked up to broadband at home for 1st time yesterday, so I'll be seeing you on the BZ2 servers soon !



PS There is a Mrs Blewyn now !


Not doing too bad Blewyn (although being independantly wealthy would make things much better).

I wish I could get broadband...  Within the next few months I should be living somewhere esle, so broadband will be a priority for the new place.

Congrats on the wedded bliss deal, Blewyn (there is no "Mrs.Mower" anymore)



You're handling it better than I did mine, bud.



No I'm not at all AV....  I'm just starting to feel like playing games again (after about a year now).  

I really am in constant torture.  I don't think I'll ever get over it...


Sorry to hear that Mower, it must be horrible.  Good luck with getting over it.  Things can only get better...

Best Regards,



Thanks Blewyn...  I really appreciate it!