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How do [u]U[/u] feel about 1.3?

Started by BLUE DEVIL, March 15, 2004, 06:05:27 PM

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Tell us your opinions on the 1.3 patch.  WE WANT TO HEAR WHAT THE PLAYERS HAVE TO SAY!   :-)

                        Thanks, BLUE DEVIL


Having fun.  When my video card doesn't lock up on me.  Grr.


Much better then 1.2, i stop playing bz2 a while ago because 1.2 was definatly too buggy and there is lots of game out there that were better for online gaming. But now that 1.3 is out and after trying it for over 2 week i can say it rox. I wouldnt go back to 1.2 for nothing in the world, so count me in!


I almost cried the first time i played it. I love it.

BZ FeebleEffort

I Must be playin' a Different 1.3......


Well, I have only played online briefly...  Can't ever find a 1.3 game with peeps I know.


I like it for the modding potential, it has opened up quite a few things that were ney impossible before.


I like 1.3 (beta) for its stability.  Although there are still a couple of places where I freeze (most probably due to my OS and firewall and cannot be reproduced accurately for debugging), a lot of the major freezes and slowdowns of 1.2 are pretty much gone.  The only hiccups I see for now are when harddisk accessing occurs ingame.  Too bad solid-state ATA flash drives are still prohibitively way beyond my budget.

My 2 cents (<-- my budget)


1.3 fixes and ruins some stuff from 1.2

1.3 could've been great if they would've just fix whats broken, and not the other stuff...
i also dont like the nathan's aditude at all, treating us like hoot which causes me to hate his work even more....
and the overall community in 1.3 (at least the community i see when i play) isnt that nice as well.... i tell some1 to die and get back to base instead of calling the 3ed full scout i made from him to him and the scout died on the way 3 times... i told him ill give him a ship if he'll get back to bsae and told him to die as a piot and he tells me its cheating and that im an asshole...

also, the warp is unplayable, i havnt played on decent servers because there are no decent servers in 1.3.. all the decent servers prefer 1.2

and alot of other bugs that needs fixing but it seems they wont get fixed cause nathan left and no1 heard from ken for along time from what i understood...

ill play a game of 1.3 every week or something maybe there'll be some changes - although i doubt it


I can agree with that 1.3 should have just concentrated on fixing what was broken instead of changing things.

The resistant to criticism on the project has been way too extreme, by all concerned not just GSH. The desire to stamp out "cheating exploited bugs" seems to have driven this project to an imposition rather than an inspiring improvement.

I think an honest effort was made to come up with improvements.
Some things did get improved, but the overall performance of the game play, leaves you feeling like they took all the fun out of it.(sluggish physics, warping units, etc.)

The editor completely seperated from the game is inconvenient since dll's do not run. This means you bring up the editor, load the map to edit, make your changes, save your changes, exit the editor, open BZ2 1.3 executable, go through all the menus, bring up your map in the environment where it needs testing, check for errors, and repeat.
It takes way too much time to try editting a map in this environment. I am still better off to use 1.2 for editting and testing then convert to 1.3 afterwards.

So in short, the editor was not an improvement.

Overall, with exception to the editor, I think 1.3 will be useable after some tweeks.


I think 1.3 is a great success, I have done all the single player missions all over again and there was not one bug in the entire missions. Sound, graphics etc are much improved. I would like to personally thank all the people who helped to do this cause it took a lot of hours, days, weeks, months etc ALL IN THEIR OWN TIME and I want to personally thank them. I would hope others would stop whinging then maybe we can get a final release in time which with then enable Forgotten Enemies to be finalised then some of the extra mods that are being worked on now done. People must remember this game is five years old but it is still going strong so long live Battlezone II and all you programmers and modders. Once again thanks for your time in keeping this wonderful game going.


It is cheating to get youself killed for the express ride back to base.  1.3 was supposed to fix that (by having you dropped from a height that makes it no advantage).

The fool should have just jet packed back to base, or hopped the whole way.


Its cheating to die to get back to base quickly??

Wow, after over 3 years of online play, thats news to me.  These types of statements make it evident to me why the 1.3 patch is failing miserably to gain acceptance by the vast majority of active online players.

For my opinion of 1.3 please click the following:



omg recon u killed yourself to get btb?? :o

ure cheating for more then 3 years

omg! u should be global banned!!