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How do [u]U[/u] feel about 1.3?

Started by BLUE DEVIL, March 15, 2004, 06:05:27 PM

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I like 1.3. Its a much more handsome playing experience overall than 1.2 and its hard to go back to 1.2 after playing some 1.3 strats. 1.3 games rarely crash or lag out comparing to 1.2 and with MWF 2 I get hardly any warp.

There are still some major issues:
- 1.3 scavs (and other treaded units) get stuck on structures and units much more than in 1.2 and need a lot micromanagement
- Id like the 1.2 ship physics be restored
- FIXME (tracked physics going bezerk) bug crashes about one in five games
- tugs/haulers have problems to pickup stuff
and a couple of minor glitches I can live with.


I always felt that getting killed to get back to base intensified the game play and made it more fun, cheating it is not,

now take for instance the fact that the new ai will shoot the pilots faster if you happen to be in the enemy base when destroyed, you are now penalised twice , 1 for losing youre ship while attacking and 2 ur ass is that high u need a 747 to get back down again and ur base could get raped while doing so.

i feel that most aspects of 1.2 were possible to counter, deliberate av's, alt tabbing and mwf1 suck other than that it's possible to be able to do whatever the other guy can with a degree of practice.

I certainly dont find 1.3 less warpy infact more so in strats, mpi's are fine yeh,infact 1.3 mpi's are better than 1.2.

furthermore i have already seen the tendency for commanders to move the base turrets to a center pools area from start, rush the other guys try to kill the wings and then bottle neck the game within the first 3 minutes.

ive been in and played many many 3 hr strats in FE, currently i havnt found that 1.3 is more stable in strats, though it is in MPI.

BTW i have been playing 1.3 for 2 years now and i still prefure FE.

Fact is i see a lot of people coming back to bz because of the patch when the true fans never stopped playing it and dealt with the bugs in any way possible.
it's good to have players back but experiance does matter and a lot of people have thousands of hours and currency spent on this game.

BZ FeebleEffort

"I certainly dont find 1.3 less warpy infact more so in strats, mpi's are fine yeh,infact 1.3 mpi's are better than 1.2."

This is exactly true and directly related to the fact that there were virtually no real player vs Player strats in the closed beta(in  spite of the noble efforts by the RIPpers to play them.

Also, thepilot drop thing was reviewed with Nathan Months ago and like most things (I and most of the player vs player straters) told him...ignored.


The pilot drop thing can be changed, you know. It sits in the Multiplayer DLLs.

Here, I will even give a snippit of code from the strat dll source released.

Vector OldPos;
// As this object was just killed, gotta use the slower search for its
// position.

// Find out how far we are away from starting location... use
// default if couldn't get position of DeadObjectHandle
float RespawnHeight=RespawnPilotHeight;
if((fabsf(OldPos.x) > 0.01f) && (fabsf(OldPos.z) > 0.01f)) {
// Position valid. Use it.
float DistanceAway=sqrtf((OldPos.x-Where.x) * (OldPos.x-Where.x) +
(OldPos.z-Where.z) * (OldPos.z-Where.z));

#ifdef _DEBUG
char TempStr[1024];
sprintf(TempStr,"Distance away = %7.2f from (%3.2f %3.2f) (%3.2f %3.2f)",

RespawnHeight=DistanceAway * 0.6f;
if(RespawnHeight < 100.0f)
RespawnHeight = 100.0f;
else if(RespawnHeight > 500.0f)
RespawnHeight = 500.0f;


In any game, suicide should not be a valid tactic.  I can't believe anyone would even argue the point.

BZ FeebleEffort

Yes Wiz..we realize it CAN be changed, MY frustration is Nathan was told of its' adverse effect on Player vs Player strats yet he chose NOT to fix or attempt to correct it.

*IF* Nathan ever chooses to return and work on 1.3 it(among 100 other things ) need fixing because they were not "fixed" during closed beta inspite of many testers requests and explanations of WHY they should have been fixed..

Zero Angel

Suicide is a valid tactic in BF'42 when your plane gets shot down over water.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Well in most games, that are designed with any logic whatsoever, suicide is not a valid tactic.  Many games sit you out until the map changes, or you are in "limbo" for a time period.  Suicide being a valid tactic, means poor game design.  Self-preservation should always rule.

I give you an example of a couple of games that self-preservation is key...

BattleZone (you only get 5 lives)

BattleZone2 Single-Player (lost life = game over)

It was an admitted mistake in BZ2 development, and was fixed.  I am still in disbelief that anyone would argue that suicide should be a valid tactic.  Yeah, that takes a lot of skill to stand in front of a GT or turret.  There should be an adverse effect is you get you ass shot up!!!



It speeds up the game play and helps make the game more fun.  No further justification is required.  I think this is almost exclusively a team strat issue; not applicable in single player, and in MPI, well, who knows what goes on in that twisted AI brain.  :twisted:


as aougli said.. it adds to the game speed.. unless u want a *strat* only game...

go play one of the C&C's and 200 more stratergy game...

death is vaild tactic in LOTS of games...

ever heard of

/kill in ET?

u kill yourself 1 sec before the spawn to get ammo / health if u need... or just to be an ass and avoid some1 from getting points (which is lame and just wrong.. but if ur hidden and spawn is near its cool)


OMFG!!!  I can't believe rational people are saying this (maybe I give to much credit).

You are not supposed to get yourself killed on purpose!!!  There is absolutly no good reason to make suicide a valid tactic.  It is bad design, and cheap gameplay.  For christ's sake I can't believe it!!!

It NEVER sped up the game for me, because I've never done it!!!  I can still be quite productive hopping across the map, or jetpacking.

I'm dumbfounded that I have to explain that keeping your ass alive should be an advantage.  

Why not when you ship gets blown up, you instantly get a new one.  It would make the game quicker...  No lines, no waiting!!!


QuoteIt NEVER sped up the game for me, because I've never done it!!!

it just sounds funny :P

well.. u still need some time to get in the ship and go back to w/e u did...
a counter tactic is have no defense (for 1v1 or something...)

then u kill him in your base and well - he's *Ammo*ed... no way to get back home while u domniate the whole map (including his base)

bz2 is action, just like other action game - u die at some point and respawn.... its not LMS

if u play a reguler FPS game - u die - u respawn...
respawning quickly was always a tactic...
is there anygame where u cant kill yourself?

it defently adds more to the action of the game...
[which i might add 1.3 is defently taking away... the action the game had]


oh and it cost you scrap (giving them your ship scrap + build new ship) thats enough punshiment.. and the time to land is long enough (from your blown ship.. not the hight u start in 1.3 - which i think is ridicouls [its just 2 high]


Don't get too tangled in that arguement, Mower.  You might have your opponents jumping off bridges to prove their point.

As for the original topic, I LOVE 1.3.  I wept tears of joy when I saw the little dudes come barreling out of the APCs', and the APC's actually land instead of bouncing around endlessly.  

I love the improved AI, and how you can take a couple of AI wings with you and actually have them help out in a dogfight against humans.  

I love that I havent' had a single crash since I put 1.3 on.

I love that so many unmentionable cheats and hacks were fixed.

I love that the AI is smart enough to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to use secondary weaps, and know when to run!  

I love that the AI is smart, but not TOO smart.

I love that 1.3 has realized the potential of this game, finally, after all these years.




Really AV!!!  I'm LMFAO as I explain "Staying alive is good..."  *cue's the BeeGees*

The height at which you are spawned is relative to how far away from your own base.  You die in your base, and you are right there (just a few meters up).  Die in the enemy base across the map, you spawn a few hundred meters up.  An extremely good fix indeed!  One of the things I absolutly LOVE about 1.3 (along with all the things AV listed)