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How do [u]U[/u] feel about 1.3?

Started by BLUE DEVIL, March 15, 2004, 06:05:27 PM

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you guys are alright,,,,,a little weird but alright,,,,hahahahahaha

When your dead, your dead and I aught to know right?

BZ FeebleEffort

When I objected to this in the "closed beta" this was part of the rationale:

(I will paraphrase TV)

BZ 2 is a Time game as much as strategy or dogfighting, managing time and SCARP are equally important elements to victory as any of the other 4.

The "concept" of a death penalty to discourage suicide(as a means to get the quick trip home) is a valid Idea..its the DEGREE to which the spawn height kicks in that is the problem.

Again, not the fact that there is now a penalty....the problem is the TIME that penalty effects.

BZ 2 is a very time sensitive games, the loss of a wingman or a commander at a in-oportune moment can be the difference between victory and defeat....Now with a penalty so great, a player penalized far too much in a game that is already extremely time sensitive.

Additionally, the penalty further widens the gap between vets and "not-so-vets" because as the "not-so's" lose their ships, they are penalized more for the loss of ship, by virtue that they are longer "outta action" and as a result theri teammates suffer the loss of a wingman or worse the commander.

I'm not even touching the myriad of potential complications to game length issues...don't even get me started there.

I was ok at the Respawn height adjusting to "distance from base"...But I felt all along the maximum heights for respawn point should have been 50% of the current levels.


Quote from: BZ FeebleEffort
Additionally, the penalty further widens the gap between vets and "not-so-vets" because as the "not-so's" lose their ships, they are penalized more for the loss of ship, by virtue that they are longer "outta action" and as a result theri teammates suffer the loss of a wingman or worse the commander.

Not sure about that; they may be waiting for a ship anyway: people who keep loosing ships don't get new ones fast.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I think the new 'spawn height' is superbe. It really makes you 'care' about your ship. It also stop 'scav spammers' from being as succesful and also means that you do not get as many spawn kills (e.g. flaming a turret near the rec used to cause massive lag and a string of spawn kills).

Its better now. I see absolutly no reason to change it. Anyway!

from a 'realism' persepctive it makes sense, your being drop-shipped into the combat zone :)
Anyone remember that single player mission where you did not have a rec? You started high into the air with that one.

Also, with the not-so-good players.....they just got spawn killed 100s of times before hand anyway. Not to mention that it hurts a vet just as much as it hurts a non vet, they both spawn same height.

The new height works.


Life must be no fun at all for you Sponge!!!  (ha ha ha Just kidding)


U think we could get a set of wings in that backpack and a couple of miniguns so i can blast a few people next time im spawn killed.  James Bond style indeed.

Seems to me that designs don't always work and very often what works well wasnt meant to be in the first place.

The whole things about this, is how it was meant to be is a mute argument, afterall wasnt we all meant to be fungus in the beginning but evolved to be ranting and raging humans in the end.
Hmm come to think about it. things could get damn right scary in another million years or so.  :shock:  :twisted:


While I do like the way the time penalty is implemented, I'd go even farther with it.  I'd have people respawn 2 meters underground in the spot they died, and make them dig themselves out before they could head home....and they'd walk dragging a leg, with their arms out in front of them, whispering 'braaaaains.....braaainsssssssss....'.

The current system still rewards suicides by getting you home faster than you could have under your own power...just not as much.  We DO have the jetpack, after all, which greatly reduces the time it takes to get home, and greatly increases the chances of getting there in one piece.  

If I have a noob that's out there losing ships, I tend to hold back on building new ones a bit to cut my losses.  If he takes longer getting home, he'll be pestering me for a new ship for a shorter period of time.

The current system is  a good compromise.  I beleive the intent was to curb the chain rush/lose ship/die/grab empty/chain rush again tactic....which isn't terribly fun for the rushers and is decidedly un-fun for the rush-ee's.

Feeb is right, in that it does penalize poorer pilots compared to how things were, but poorer pilots are going to lose anyhow. However, sometimes it's GOOD for the team to have a poor pilot out of a ship for a while...he'll be more careful with the next one if he knows he'll be grounded.


The current system is a good compromise. I beleive the intent was to curb the chain rush/lose ship/die/grab empty/chain rush again tactic....which isn't terribly fun for the rushers and is decidedly un-fun for the rush-ee's.

accutly - just few trucks and some def (or u and/or team m8s in blast tanks / laser scouts) and every1 will be happy... the rushers will feel hope at start while the defenders will just thank them for the loose :)

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

And thats the balence that has been achived right now.

The current 'spawn height' is neigh on perfect.


i guess its alright once u get used to... but i still love the 1.2 one... and some others as well... i prefer 1.2 one but can live with 1.3... :P


Personally, I love 1.3 except for one crucial aspect...

Modding is worse in 1.3 than 1.2

It is frustrating to have to use an alternate program.

If 1.32 comes out, undo the seperation of the editor with the main BZ2 executable.
That was the biggest mistake Ken/Nathan did.


QuoteModding is worse in 1.3 than 1.2

(and yes, that's the first time I've ever used the eyebulging smiley on ANY board.

Zero Angel

After having a few more games, i'd have to say the netcode seems to be better in some areas then my experiences with 1.2. I can actually hit people while in a blast tank now. Also, the netcode does a slightly better job of recovering from client freezeups. A little tweaking might be needed so that its better in all aspects.

Great job on that!
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Quote from: BZDraconianPersonally, I love 1.3 except for one crucial aspect...

Modding is worse in 1.3 than 1.2

It is frustrating to have to use an alternate program.

If 1.32 comes out, undo the seperation of the editor with the main BZ2 executable.
That was the biggest mistake Ken/Nathan did.

I disagree.  Having to run a seperate editor is a small price to pay for removing the biggest MP cheat around...

The only major obstacle is the editor's inability to run the DLL scripting, which I don't find a big deal anymore.  Just set up two shortcuts to your map, one for the editor and one for the engine.  If you need to watch things toss in a high-altitude scout or snipable enemy craft.



"Modding is worse in 1.3 than 1.2"
