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1.3 physics

Started by Phaser, March 16, 2004, 12:51:18 AM

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Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I think that the scouts should , if possiable, have their 'reverse truster power' returned....in FE xypoi scouts have the abilty to go backwards almost as fast as they go forwards, and so do many units. Its a Hadean charaistic that should stay if at all possiable and is important to the balence and dynamics of many of the unique hadean stratergies/tactics.

I personally think above a certain distance, only the 'forward' thrust (i.e. the big burning thing at the back lol) should function. This will stop the flying aspect, but not harm the manuverabilty of the scouts

The problems 1.2 vets are having with the 1.3 scouts is not the speed...its the manuverabilty.

Zero Angel

Cutting off side thrusters at certain altitudes will be a big mistake
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
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{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

For what reasons? and how about just the reverse one?

Zero Angel

For the reasons of being able to maneuver and change direction in the air. Cutting side thrusters out if you're facing > 40 degrees would be an OK idea tho. If I wanted to experiment around, I'd probably see about making the vehicles 'heavier', and allowing jump thrusters to slow descent to the point that they do now (ie: you'll fall faster if you dont use your jump or  reverse thrusters, so they will work instead of becoming completely useless which is a ridiculous idea).
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I think that ISDF scout should be able to reverse in a similar way to how it did in 1.2 (correct me if im wrong, but it seems to be 'alot' slower now)...

i tihnk the reason this was changed was because the reverse thruster is crical to Flying...not 'controling arc attacks'...which im all for... but indefinate/semi-indefinate flying.

so....have it sothat the reverse thruster ceases to work the higher you go....the pitch idea sounds cool...but it might make it to hard to piolet (a good thing :D, you never know some people and how much the love this game)