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Scions vs Isdf balanced?

Started by Phaser, March 16, 2004, 12:26:10 AM

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True, blink scattering does indeed work to remove a lot of trucks, but the scion player usually has to jump back and forth from his base, hoping that the trucks have not come back. If the ISDF player has been queueing trucks in his rec (as I usually do) then he will always have trucks on their way, no matter how good a job you do of scattering them.

Don't get me wrong, more often than not blink scattering DOES work, my tank is usually destroyed just outside their base, and I get that horrible sinking feeling as my trucks fail to make it back to base, but it only stops me about 60% of the time, as opposed to blink stopping my scout-and-tank tactics 100% of the time.

I've heard of you and speedy's exploits with EMP stream against atanks hemp. Unfortunately, I've tried using it myself before, and come to the conclusion that if *any* of the ISDF team are watching the Atank's back, this tactic is about as effective as trying to get behind a defended walker - a quick way to die.

As a final note, I think I should mention something that bugs me about serviced assaults when anyone who's not on voicecom plays - the players guarding assault tanks ALWAYS go to base when they run out of ammo, which is a quick way to COMPLETELY ruin a serviced assault. As such I'm hoping anyone who reads this would obey these two rules, and witness them being obeyed by an enemy team:
1. NEVER fire your guns at ANYthing besides human-piloted vehicles. This includes firing your tanks mortars at the enemy base, *dont do it*, save your ammo for blast/chain.
2. NEVER go back to base for pods. Even if this means sitting waiting for the Atank player to service you for a minute or two, NEVER go back to base for pods.
You sit in the trucks when you need service, the Atank pilot keeps his eye out to service you when you sit there. When these two rules are obeyed, serviced assault tanks become an exceptionally powerful tactic, powerful enough to almost rival blink, but not quite. :)

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

The 'field' that service trucks have.....does that heal all friendly units now? Not just the 'my team' ones? This would mean that a friendly human tank only needed to be 'close' to the pack of service trucks.


I think the jammer is a tad too powerfull, i should be abble to target something i see at least for myself. The jammer purpose was to not let someone report ennemy position and to make unit invisible on radar. But now i cant even get a target on a spire to mortar it myself.


The jammer doesn't affect your eyes...  (not necessarily saying you are wrong, just I can mortar anything without the use of TLI)


Yeah me too but its just so much more effective with a target. Also it make it very hard to hit specific target with mortar as a service truck or a jammer itself wich i guess can be destroy by mdm.


Phaser - if you're really having trouble, just remember that a mortars maximum range with autolevel off is about 215m. Simply plonk a nav point down by your target, then select the nav beacon, get yourself 215m away from it, and mortar away.

Yes, the jammer makes things harder, but that's what it's supposed to do. The new jammer is one of my favourite features of 1.3, I think it's brilliant.