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Satchel Charge in MP

Started by Giguana, March 16, 2004, 04:28:36 PM

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I know 1.3 testing is over but I was wondering if anyone considered puting satchel charges in the armory and giving them enough damage to make it worthwhile to infiltrate a base in MP.


That would be great for the "spy" jetpack!!!  (Lizard...  phone home...)


Try the Insane Recycler Variant...
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


WRONG 1.3 testing in not ever please correct anyone with that misconception.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

...was about to say...

Snatchel charge ey? I dont know...we dont want 'tribes...the remake'


I was always disappointed that the satchel had no real role in strat.

If it would take a rec down 1/3 of the way, it would be well worth trying to sneak in there...sounds very fun.


Can't build no bases in Tribes.  I think it would be fun (blowing up bridges too...  Oh yeah Hogan's Heros BZ style)


I agree that to have a satchel charge in one of the recyc variant would be fun if it were effective and scary to die.

Speaking of commando missions, I wonder if it would be possible to have the spawning of a player pilot cost something (10 or 20 scrap)? Sneaking in is one thing, getting out alive is another, if you dont give a crap about being killed (that is, it just teleports you to you home base with no cost to your team) then there is very little thrill, for it to be exciting to try, success has to be worthwile (damage of satchel significant) and failure as to be something you really dont want (ex: if you die, there a cost to clone you or something).

If you fool around in SP and a tanks starts shooting in your direction it gives you the willies, cause if you dies its all over (you have to start over). In MP there it would not work but a cost (if it could be implemented) should give you reason enough to be careful.


With a tech center I can Arm myself with cuncussion grenades and a bazooka. Assuming I make it above there base and all my shots hit before I hit the ground or I am killed, i can probably take the Reccy down 1/3.


Quote from: Jwk the Hemp MonkeySnatchel charge ey? I dont know...we dont want 'tribes...the remake'
[/size]How is that different from a satchel?   :D


Sounds like some kind of kinky explosive device to me. :D

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

What would the scions get though?...their taskspecific style dictates they might improve that 'shot gun rocket' hand held device to do as much damage and all those grenades and basooker combined.


The "snatchel charge" eminates a delightful "fishy" smell that renders soldiers useless.  The victums lose all concentration and start walking funny...


Hemp - scion grenades are already more powerful (marginally) than ISDF grenades, and their bazooka is *FAR* better than the ISDF bazooka. They've got it pretty damn good as far as pilot weapons go.

Zero Angel

Scion grenades also do nice splash damage, where ISDF grenades do none. So much for task specific.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
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