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Satchel Charge in MP

Started by Giguana, March 16, 2004, 04:28:36 PM

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It would rock to have a satchel charge in the armory. I'd definatly use it. It would add a new, covert skill to the game. I'd also like to see that 'shotgun' put in there too.

by the way, the scion satchel is seen as in the Uller MOD. It's a yellow and black triangle.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

A nice touch, and should be inculded if at all possiable.

Also, i was talking to dark fox a few min ago, and we both agreed it would be a superbe idea if Rockets had their armory pod size reduced to 5....to at least make them appear in a game.

I have, to this day, not seen a rocket piolet in a single stratergy game, hell...not even mpi. its not being used cause it costs too much, your better off making a scav.

However, the next thing that became apparent is that the isdf rocket is pitiful in comparision to the Scion rocket....perhaps giving the ISDF one a 'lock on ' abilty or at least 'faf' abilty would help with this issue.

Zero Angel

Scion rocket doesnt seem to be a rocket at all. I do like the SAM/Targeting SAM combo in FE, too bad it was overpowerd.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
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Jwk the Hemp Monkey

yes, the same thing rocked, but it did too much damage, thats all. Change that and there is a weapon that is = the scion rocket/shot gun thing. Atm its far to unbalenced.

but more critical is the 5scrap cost for the piolet weapon upgrades.


better and cheaper pilot weapons? hmm... I lke it
the satchel would be a nice touch indeed
as for the scion rocket vs isdf rocket i think giving the isdf stachel would even things up unless youre planing on ginving the scions a stachel too
i also like icewndigos idea though i think 10-20 scrap`s too much.. maybe 5?


Sure, sure...

Enable the satchel in Strat...

Just give it a 2 second fuse, that's all I ask...




QuoteJust give it a 2 second fuse, that's all I ask...
suicidal bomber pilots... maybe we should put em in the apc and call it the terrorist squad :P


Actually, I take that back.  Make it a random fuse, between 2 and 30 seconds...









Jwk the Hemp Monkey

i think having a short fuse is a very bad idea, it means that thepiolet is guarnteed to go for a 'suicide run'...it would be better off if it was a 30second blast.

of course...people charging, jupming off....laying a snatchle...then the ship...whilst its being shot picks them up again with its momentun...repeat...

not good.


Satchel in the armory would be awesome!!!  You always got little tastes of it in the campaign but then you could never use it except in those missions.  (unless you cheat and edit it in)  

We would have to be careful though.... I can see people rushing into a base in a real fast ship, then hopping out next to the rec and planting the charge.  If it takes off 1/3 like someone suggested then you just need 3 human players to do this and the game would be over.  The scions could even blink in.... making this very deadly.   :twisted:

I also agree that pilot weapons should only cost 5 but the satchel if it is that powerful, should cost more like 10-20.  

As for fixing the 'rush' issue, maybe make it that when carrying a satchel... its so big that you cant fit in a ship anymore?  I dunno.... that would stop the rushing but I don't know if anyone would still use it if they had to hike all the way to the enemy base on foot.

Tempest Storm

The Satchel Charge has a 30 second time limit which I do belive is supposed to be highlighted on every player's HUD to show where it is. Not positive on it, but I do belive thats how it works. If thta is how it works, then it wouldn't have such a problem as its just a matter of getting there in time to destroy it.


In that case, if it shows up on everyone's hud (all teams), then how do you know who's base it's at or some other place?  :D

Or give it a low radar sig and watch everyone play hide & seek, which would be worse if someone planted it inside a building.  Probably "holding" turrets might point them in the correct direction if no one can find it visually, heh. That's only if the AI are able to track it down.


No-one would accept any of these wild ideas about satches, but just throwing one out that'd be fun, I'd like to see the satches as a very powerful weapon (about 6000 damage, half a rec), with a 2 minute fuse, and which is warned for all players 'satches plant detected', but not highlighted on their HUDS, so they have to search for it. Obviously, it would cost about 50 scrap, that'd be fun IMO.


30 seconds limit, costs 20 scrap, pilot hardpoint.

2 will kill a rec.

Drawbacks? Destroyable by enemy if they can find and nutrelize it before it blows.

Just my ideas.   :)


i dont know guys ill just get in a scout drive fast hop out click C then ship pick me up... then again... + some will just put it IN buildings which can be extremly annoying... it could've been a good idea if some1 would've thought about it when bz2 just came out... (not rechargning when u get in ship or something)